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Alexis stared at a small cottage, watching the smoke from the chimney evaporate in the air. Demetri stood with his back to the house, observing the forest around them. 

"We're literally in the middle of fucking nowhere," he mumbled. 

"Ready?" Alexis pulled her hood lower, covering her eyes. 

"I suppose," Demetri said, sounding unsure. 

Alexis turned back to look at him. "Just stay out of my way." 

"Will do," Demetri agreed. 

As Alexis went to open the door, Demetri touched her arm, halting her movements. 

"What?" Alexis asked irritated. 

"There's someone else here," Demetri said in a hushed voice. 

"How do you-" 

Demetri suddenly pointed to a broom, leaning casually on the wall a few feet from them. He walked to touch the seat. 

"Warm." He frowned. "They must have just arrived." 

"It could be his," Alexis pointed out. 

"My source said he hasn't left the cottage since the war." 

"Fine, we'll just kill them both," Alexis announced, her hand tightening around the door handle. She twisted and the door opened wide. "I guess he's getting comfortable. Doesn't lock his door anymore." 

They walked into a cozy living area, with a fireplace on one end, a small sofa facing it and a couple of tables. Voices resonated from upstairs and Alexis turned to the staircase. 

They walked up the stairs and saw a door at the end of the corridor that stood ajar. They approached it. Alexis turned to look at Demetri, who nodded. She planted a hand on the door then opened it in one quick motion. 

With Alexis and Demetri's wands pointing at the man in the room, he froze. Alexis looked around.

"Where's the other one?" she asked. 

"Who are you?" the man with a long beard and a thick Russian accent said. 

"Who were you just talking too?" Alexis asked. 

"Lex." Demetri was pointing out the open window. 

Alexis looked outside and a figure with short blonde hair was scurrying into the woods, broomstick in hand. 

"For fuck's sake," Alexis exclaimed, trying to take aim at the person. 

"You won't hit him from here," Demetri said. "Let's just take care of Karkaroff." 

"How do you know my name?" the wizard asked. 

"There's a lot we know about you, Igor." Alexis smiled wickedly and the man's eyes widened. 

"Are you with the Ministry?" 

"Unfortunately for you, we're not." Alexis lowered her wand, placing it in her pocket. 

Demetri used a nonverbal spell to make ropes appear and tie up the man. He fell to the ground in a sitting position. 

"What are you doing?" The man's voice sounded panicked. "What do you want?" 

"Make it quick, Lex," Demetri said, his eyes darting to Alexis. 

Alexis withdrew her knife, the blade extending, long and reflective against the beam of light coming from the window. 

The man eyed the knife, his breathing becoming rapid. "What are you going to do to me? Please anything you want, you can have." 

"Shut up," Alexis said, approaching the man. 

She lowered herself to his level. She reached for his hand that lay at his side, tucked tightly against his abdomen. She picked a finger, the ring finger, and with one slice of her knife, cut it off. 

The man yelled in pain as tears streaked down his face. His screams reverberated through the small cottage. 

"Jesus, Lex." Demetri turned to face the corridor. 

Alexis ignored him. "What can you tell us about the Malfoys?" 

The man continued to whimper in pain.

"Answer me, or I cut another one." 

"I don't know anything about them!" he shouted as the blood pooled on the ground. 

With the quickness of a trained assailant, Alexis caught off his middle finger, letting it drop into the pool of blood. 

The man screamed. "PLEASE! PLEASE STOP!" 

"What do you know bout the Malfoys?" Alexis asked again. 

"I swear, not much," the man cried. "Please don't hurt me!" 

Alexis went to reach for another finger.

"NO!" the man screamed, his face scrunched in agony. "Okay, okay, I'll talk. Just, please don't." 

"I'm listening." 

"I know they served the Dark Lord. The man, Lucius, was close to him." The man whimpered some more as his face grew paler. "Oh God, it hurts!" 

"Go on." 

"I don't know more than that. I fled during the second war. I know they survived, but that's it, I swear." 

"Where are they now?" 

"I have no idea! I promise!" the man cried out. "Please, if you don't stop the bleeding-" 

"Where are they now?" Alexis repeated with more forced.

"I swear I don't know! Please, you have to believe me! Please!" 

Alexis looked down at her blade, then lifted it high above her head and thrusted into the man's thigh. His screams were piercing. 


"Maybe you should answer my questions," Alexis said calmly. 

"Lex," Demetri called her name, causing Alexis to look at him. His face was pale and his expression made it look like he might be sick. "I don't think he knows anything else. Please, just end this." 

"You said you would stay out of my way." 

Demetri sucked in a breath. 

Alexis looked back at the man and withdrew her knife, causing another scream from the him. His head rolled to the side, weakened by his many flesh wounds and loss of blood. 

Alexis stood, looking down at the man in disgust. "I'll give you two options. One, tell me where the Malfoys are and I'll make sure your death is quick and painless. Two, stay quiet and I'll kill you slowly." 

The man said nothing. 

"Great, I actually prefer number two as well." Alexis lifted her knife. 

"No, no, no! I'll tell you what I know." His voice came out weak, as if straining for energy. "I don't know where they're hiding but they had come to warn me." 

"Warn you about what?" 

"You." The man closed his eyes, fighting out the dizziness that was sure to envelop him. 

"Who left when we got here?" 

"The boy. The Malfoy boy." Karkaroff coughed. "He wouldn't tell me anything. He just wanted to know if I'd seen you and what I knew." 

"They didn't say anything else?" Alexis took out her wand. 

"No, I swear." Karkaroff looked up at Alexis, his eyes pleading. "Just end this, please." 

She lifted her wand to him. "Avada Kedavra.

The spell hit the man and he stilled. Alexis turned to look at Demetri who suddenly ran to the corner of the room and vomited. 

The Killing Kind   ~Lucius Malfoy~Where stories live. Discover now