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Alexis and Theodore were in the basement of his house, which was small and poorly insulated. Despite it being spring, Alexis kept feeling cold drafts on her skin, shivering from the cold and damp basement. 

Theodore led her through a small passageway that opened up to a larger room. In the middle of the room, lain on a wooden table, sat a small, black box. A large lock kept it shut tightly. 

Theodore glanced at Alexis. She had her wand out, limply pointing it at Theodore. He glanced down at the box hesitantly. 

"Go on," Alexis said, trying to disguise her eagerness. "Open it." 

Theodore looked back up at Alexis. Beads of sweat ran down his brow despite the chill in the air. "I need my wand." 

Alexis looked back at the lock, noticing that there wasn't a space to insert a key. She slowly withdrew his wand from her pocket. "Don't do anything stupid, Nott." 

He took his wand, pointed it at the lock and paused. His hand shook slightly as he tried to delay the inevitable.

Alexis lifted her own wand slightly, indicating to him that he should hurry. 

He glanced at her wand then back down at the box. Theodore muttered something under his breath and the lock clicked open and fell onto the table.

In one swift movement, Alexis took his wand from his hand with little effort, shoving it back into her coat pocket. 

With trembling hands, he opened the lid. He withdrew a small, gold trinket that appeared to show the time. However, the numbers didn't line up properly and it was definitely not a clock.

"It looks identical to the one's from the Ministry," Alexis pointed out, staring at the small time-turner. 

"Yes, a near-perfect replica." 

Alexis held out her hand for it. 

"It's not ready," Theodore said. 

"I just want to see it." 

Theodore reluctantly handed over the time-turner. "Be careful." 

Alexis ran her finger over the smooth, gold surface, observing the face of the time-turner. "When will it be ready?" 

"It's hard to say," Theodore answered, watching Alexis warily. "It's got a lot of kinks." 

"You've tried it?" Alexis looked up at him, eager to hear more. 

"Well, yes, I've had to," Theodore said. "But it only allowed me to go back for a minute at a time." 

"How do we fix that?" 

"There's a part missing," he said. "It's extremely rare and I can't seem to get my hands on it." 

"Maybe I can help," Alexis suggested. "Tell me what you need." 

"I highly doubt you could help-" 

"Just tell me." 

Theodore looked at her, as if considering her for the first time. He opened a small drawer to his right, and fumbled inside of it for a few moments, before withdrawing a paper. He handed it to Alexis. 

Alexis looked at it. It was a type of diagram depicting a mechanical instrument. "This is it?" 

"Yes, but the picture is enlarged," Theodore explained. "In reality, that thing is smaller than a pebble." 

"Where do you find it?" 

"For the longest time, the Department of Mysteries was making them," he said. "I'm not sure if they still are." 

"I know how we can find out." 

Theodore's eyes lit up momentarily, his desire to create a fully-working time-turner clouding the fact that he was being held against his will. 

Alexis and Theodore apparated into her home. Demetri sat at the couch, reading the paper. He jumped upon their arrival. 

"Jesus Christ, Alexis," Demetri said. "I've told you not to apparate inside the house." 

"Demetri, I need a favour," she said, ignoring him. 

Demetri glanced at Theodore, confusion written on his features. "Who's this?" 

"It doesn't matter," Alexis brushed off his question. "I need to ask you something but you need to promise not to ask me any questions about it." 

"I'm not agreeing to that," he replied, setting his paper down. 

"Demetri," Alexis's voice was firm and pleading, "please." 

Demetri looked at her for a moment then sighed. "What is it?" 

Alexis handed over the paper. "Does your department still make these?" 

Demetri examined the hand-drawn picture. "We do," he said slowly. "But there aren't many of them." 

"I need one." 

Demetri looked up. "Lex, this is easily traceable. I'll get sacked." 

"You've never been caught before," Alexis offered. "I know you can do this." 

"You won't even tell me what it's for," he replied. "Why should I sacrifice the security of my job for whatever the fuck it is you're up too?" 

Alexis collapsed onto the couch. "Please, Demetri. It's important." 

Demetri looked at the paper then back at Alexis. "Lex..." He paused, deep in thought. "What is this for?" 

Alexis bit her lower lip, desperately needing his help but not knowing how to get it without confiding in him. "Demetri, if I could tell you without endangering anyone's lives, I would." 

"Since when has your concern been endangering lives? You risk your life and mine every other day."

"Since endangering lives meant inevitable death."  

Demetri and Alexis locked eyes. She held his stare, wanting him to know how serious she was. "Fine Lex. You win. Let me go get ready." 

Alexis breathed out in relief. Part of her wanted to throw her arms around Demetri and thank him properly, but the hurt was still there, still strong. 

Demetri left the room. 

"You don't trust him," Theodore stated. 

"I'd trust him with my life," Alexis replied. "I meant it when I said someone could die in knowing the truth." 

Before Theodore could reply, Demetri came back, a small pouch in his hand. Alexis knew this pouch to have an enchantment on it that prevented things inside from being detected magically. He shoved it into his pocket before leaving.

Alexis watched him go, trying to convince herself that she hadn't seen her pendant hanging from his belt loop. 

The Killing Kind   ~Lucius Malfoy~Where stories live. Discover now