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About a month had passed and everything seemed to be going well. Alexis was seeing Lucius often as she tried to figure out her plan now that she knew the truth about her parents. Demetri got busy with work and she saw him less as he left early and stayed late. She had just walked into her house, a grocery bag held tight in her hands, as she heard voices from the kitchen. 

Happy that Demetri was home earlier than usual, she walked into the room, eager to talk to him. 

Alexis stopped in her tracks, dropping her bag on the ground, when she saw Demetri, Lucius and Narcissa sitting at the table together. Narcissa was crying in her hands and Lucius held a protective arm around her. 

"What's going on?" Alexis asked, her eyes lingering on Lucius's arm. 

"Draco's missing," Demetri said. 

"Missing?" Alexis said, allowing the word to sink in. "What do you mean?" 

"We went to work together but when it was time to leave, he never showed." Demetri crossed his large arms over his chest, his expression contemplative. "I asked his boss and it turns out he never even went into work. He must have left as soon as we walked into the Ministry." 

"Or he got kidnapped," Narcissa said through her tears. 

"Now, now, dear," Lucius rubbed her arm in comfort, "we shouldn't assume the worse. Maybe he just left for the day." 

"I contacted his parents in case he went home," Demetri said. 

A small sob escaped Narcissa. "What if it's that murderer? What if they found my Draco? My poor boy." 

Demetri met Alexis's eyes and they exchanged a look. This did not go unnoticed by Lucius, but he quickly returned his attention to his wife. 

Alexis tried to think of their last conversation. It was at breakfast and everything seemed normal. They made small talk and then he left with Demetri. 

"When did you see him last?" she asked Lucius and Narcissa.

"At Christmas," Lucius said. 

Narcissa looked up at Alexis, her eyes watery and sad. "Did he say anything strange to you? Anything about leaving?" 

Alexis shook her head, empathy filling her for this poor mother. "No, he didn't say anything." 

"He lives with you, he must have said something at some point." 

"Draco and I aren't close." Alexis walked across the kitchen. "I'll make tea." 

"I don't want tea, I want my son!" Narcissa cried harder. 

Alexis ignored her and made the tea, trying to piece things together. 

"Mrs Malfoy," she heard Demetri say, "it could be nothing. For all we know, he'll walk through that door any minute. I'm sure he's fine." 

Narcissa continued to cry as Alexis set a cup of tea in front of her. As the time slowly went by, she sipped on her tea. The four of them were silent, awaiting and hoping that Draco would make an appearance. 

"I feel tired," Narcissa announced after a couple of hours. 

"Maybe you should go home and rest," Alexis suggested. 

"I don't want to leave in case he shows up." 

"Why don't you lay in my bed then? If you fall asleep, we'll wake you as soon as he walks through that door." 

Narcissa hesitated before reluctantly allowing Alexis to pull her up and guide her up the stairs. Alexis helped her get into bed, Narcissa's eyelids struggled to remain open. Alexis lifted the blanket, placing it on her. 

"If anything happened to my son, I don't think I could bear it," she said in a tired voice, her eyes barely open. 

"I know," Alexis answered. "He'll be okay." 

"He's the only thing I have," she said, a single tear falling down her soft cheek. 

Alexis had the urge to wipe it away but didn't. "You have Lucius." 

"It's not the same," Narcissa replied. "Lucius can leave. Draco will always be my son, no matter what." 

"But he won't." 

"Won't what?" Narcissa's voice sounded far away.

"He won't leave." 

Narcissa didn't answer and Alexis assumed she had fallen asleep. She made to leave, opening the door. Before she could step out, she heard Narcissa's silky voice. 

"I'm afraid he doesn't love me anymore." 

When Alexis turned to look at her, she was fast asleep.

Alexis walked back into the kitchen, Demetri and Lucius looking up at her as she got in.

"What did you put in her tea?" Demetri asked immediately. 

Alexis sat down. "She was hysterical. I just wanted her to calm down." 

"You drugged my wife?" Lucius asked loudly and accusingly. 

"I didn't drug her. I mean, I did, but it was a safe dose." 

"What did you give her?" Lucius asked. 

"Just something to help her sleep." 

"Are you always this crazy?" Lucius asked, narrowing his eyes at her. 

"I was trying to help," Alexis shot back. 

"For all I know, you're trying to kill her."

"Why the hell would I kill her?" Alexis asked. 

"Because you're sleeping with her husband," Lucius answered. 

"I'm not insane. I wouldn't kill your wife because of that!" Alexis was suddenly angry. 

"Can you two stop?" Demetri cut in. "This isn't helping. Alexis obviously didn't try to poison your wife, Lucius." 

There was silence and Lucius sighed loudly. "Where is my son?" 

Demetri and Alexis looked at him, unblinking. "What?" they asked together. 

"You two must know where he is." 

"We don't," Demetri said. "Why would I have reached out to you two if I knew where he was?" 

"To cover your tracks," Lucius answered. 

"Are you accusing us of doing something to Draco?" Alexis asked.

"Not so much you, but I don't trust Demetri." Lucius's jaw set. 

"If you don't shut up, Lucius, I will kick you out of this house," Demetri said, his gaze furious. 

"My wife is upstairs, I am not leaving without her." 

"I'm fine kicking you both out." 

"She's dead asleep, she isn't going anywhere," Alexis said, rubbing her temples. "Lucius, I know you're worried but you need to stop accusing us of murdering your family. If you really think I'm capable of that, then you don't know me at all." 

Alexis ignored the look Demetri gave her.

Lucius sighed again, placing his face in his hands. "We need to find him. My wife will never recover if something happens to him." 

Alexis pushed down the hurt that surely came with the care and love she saw between Lucius and Narcissa. 

"Do you know of anyone who might want to hurt him?" Alexis asked, meeting his gaze. 

"Anybody who has a vendetta against me," Lucius answered.

"And who would that be?" Alexis pressed. 

"The list is endless." Lucius waved a hand, as if rejecting this idea. 

"Well, we need to start somewhere." 

Lucius stared passed Demetri's shoulder, deep in thought. 

"I know where we could start." 

Alexis was surprised when she realized Demetri had spoken. 

The Killing Kind   ~Lucius Malfoy~Where stories live. Discover now