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Alexis sat at her kitchen table, a warm cup of tea cradled in her hands. She watched the dark liquid swirl inside of her cup. It had been days since Lucius died. She felt numb. She felt like the world had stopped spinning. Draco moved in with his mother, a small comfort in this time of grief. Alexis felt herself withdrawing, felt herself wanting to push away everyone and everything. She didn't flinch when the door suddenly opened, she didn't look at who had entered.

Demetri sat across from her, a small sigh escaping his lips. 

"How are you feeling?" he asked. 

Alexis didn't answer, instead she continued looking at her tea. 

"Lex, you're going to have to talk to me eventually."

Alexis remained quiet. She knew the moment she spoke to him about what had happened, she would lash out. She blamed him for everything. She struggled to look at him without feeling a sense of hatred and betrayal. 

Silence filled the space between them, as it usually did. Demetri looked at Alexis, like some broken thing for him to fix but not having a clue how to. Alexis's mind wandered to that night. Her mind wandered there most days. Replaying the events in her head, thinking about what she could have done differently.  

She watched in her mind's eye the moment she saw Demetri, the confusion that followed at what he had done. She saw this all play out in her head when something new occurred to her. 

For the first time in days, she allowed her eyes to land on Demetri. He was staring at her, concern written in his brow. She pushed away her disdain, shoving it all the way down until she could barely recognize it. 

"How did you know where to find me?" she asked. 

"W-what?" Demetri replied, taken aback by her voice, a sound he suddenly realized he missed deeply. 

"The night Lucius..." Alexis trailed off. She took a deep breath and tried again. "That night. How did you find me?" 

Demetri's eyes flickered downward. It was subtle and quick, but Alexis noticed. 

Alexis reached for her pendant, running her thumb over the smooth surface. "You put a tracking device in the pendant," she said numbly. 

"It was to protect you-" 

Alexis pulled at the pendant and the chain came undone, breaking at the latch. She stood as she slammed the pendant down on the table, her hand covering the necklace. 

She stood there for a moment, looking at her hand. This necklace that had once meant so much to her, now felt wrong in her hand. 

"I'm sorry-" 

Alexis's eyes met Demetri's in a scowl, causing him to stop talking. 

She turned and left the kitchen, Demetri's eyes falling on the broken pendant as she disappeared through the door. 

Alexis walked into a busy coffee shop. Her eyes flickered over the people, finally landing on who she was meeting.

She sat across from the woman, dressed in black in honour of Lucius.

"Thank you for coming," Narcissa said, her eyes devoid of any emotion. 

Alexis's eyes fell to Narcissa's long fingers, her black nails drumming against a small tea cup, the sound echoing in Alexis's ears. 

Alexis didn't reply. She hadn't seen Narcissa since before Lucius died and figured the woman just wanted to know what had happened to her husband. Alexis wasn't ready to talk about it, but she would try to give the woman some peace. 

The Killing Kind   ~Lucius Malfoy~Where stories live. Discover now