The Other Woman

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Alexis waited inside the bar for over an hour. She had already downed three drinks, trying to settle her nerves. She was about to pay for her drinks and leave to look for Lucius, when he finally walked into the bar. 

He ordered at the counter and once he had his drink, he sat at Alexis's table. Alexis eyed his face. He appeared panicked, his eyes darting back and forth. 

"You're late," Alexis said, suddenly realizing she drank too much, too fast. 

"Yes, well, there's been a change of plans," he said, finally meeting her eyes. His eyes were bloodshot. 

"A change of plans?" 

"I suppose we're staying a little longer," he said, gulping his drink until there was nothing left. 

Alexis waited for the bartender to come and refill it before speaking. "You don't seem happy about that." 

"I don't think it's wise to stay." 

"Then why are you?" Alexis tried to ignore the pang of hurt that crept inside of her. 

"My wife doesn't want to leave our son," he said. Alexis briefly wondered whether she should act surprised to hear he had a son, but quickly decided against it. 


"He's the one who warned us about being in danger. But now he's saying he made it up because he was worried. He doesn't actually know whether he's after us." 

"That's good, isn't it?" Alexis asked, hopeful. 

"My son has always been afraid of being alone," Lucius explained. "I'm not sure what to believe." 

Alexis looked down at her drink, her pointer finger was circling the lip of her glass. "Why do you stay with your wife?" 

Lucius's eyes narrowed as he watched Alexis. "What do you mean?" 

Alexis shrugged one shoulder, biting her lip. "Do you really love her if you're going around sleeping with other people?" 

"I'm not sleeping with other people, I'm sleeping with you." He reached for her chin, lifting her head gently. Their eyes met and Alexis felt the hurt that came with his next words. "I can't leave my wife." 

"But why?" Alexis hated that she wanted him all to herself, hated that she cared. 

"It's complicated." He sipped his drink, his eyes never leaving hers. 

Alexis pursed her lips, his answer unsatisfying. She watched the amber liquid empty from his glass, filling his mouth and his throat moving as he swallowed the bitter drink. 

"Do you feel guilty?" she asked, her voice quiet and hesitant. 

Lucius set down his drink, looking at her contemplatively. He took his time before answering. "Sometimes." 

Alexis felt like that was the most honest answer she had gotten tonight. She watched him take another sip of his whiskey. 

"Does that help?" She nodded toward the drink. 

Lucius removed the glass from his lips. He turned the drink over in his hand, careful not to drop the liquid sloshing inside, as he eyed it. 

"With the guilt?" he asked. Alexis didn't need to answer, he knew what she meant. "I suppose it does." He looked back at her, his eyes looking more sober than a moment ago. "Where is this coming from?" 

Alexis shrugged again, shutting down from the conversation. Her eyes fell to his hands, where he fiddled with the base of his ring finger, a strip of pale skin in lieu of a ring. 

"Why don't you wear your wedding band?" she asked. 

Lucius looked down at his finger. He looked back at Alexis and placed his large hand over hers. "Love, you're acting strange. Is everything all right?" 

"I'm fine," she answered, meeting his gaze. 

"I thought me being married didn't bother you," Lucius said. 

"It doesn't," she replied quickly. "Let's just drop it." 

Lucius looked at her, unconvinced, before withdrawing his hand from hers. 

"What are you going to do now?" Alexis asked. 

"I'm not sure." He looked around the bar again, as if expecting the killer to walk in and attack him. "I suppose I should be a bit more cautious for awhile, just in case." 

"Is there anything I can do to help?" 

He took her hand again, observing her fingers. "I'm just glad you're here with me now. Thank you." 

"I'm not sure why you're thanking me," Alexis said. 

"Thank you for not running from me. I thought with all my baggage, you would have left by now." 

"I don't want to leave." 

He kissed the top of her hand. "Thank you." 

Alexis walked into her house, still feeling Lucius's tender kiss on her skin. They had found a sketchy motel and had made love before parting. She was suddenly annoyed, that for the second time that day, Draco Malfoy was sitting in her living room. This time, he wasn't tied up. Instead, he sat beside Demetri, sipping a cup of tea. 

Alexis sighed upon seeing him. "What now?" 

"I haven't done anything," Draco said quickly. 

Demetri patted him on the back. "I thought our friend here might stay with us for a little while."

"Why?" Alexis asked, setting her bag down on the table. 

"Just so we could keep an eye on him," Demetri explained, smirking. 

"And Draco just accepted this?" Alexis pressed on, collapsing into an armchair. 

"I did not," Draco said. 

"I mean, I had to threaten him." Demetri smiled more broadly, dimples forming on his cheeks. "But he's here. We just have to make sure to lock his room at night." 

"This is ridiculous," Draco said. "My mother and father will wonder where I am." 

"Yes, well, you weren't meant to even have contact with them, were you?" Demetri's smile faded from his lips. He looked sinister, threatening. 

Draco leaned on his elbows. "What are you doing to my father?" 

Alexis furrowed her brows. "What do you mean?" 

"He's been acting strange. He's been sneaking out, not even telling my mother where he's going. She's worried." 

Alexis leaned forward, looking him in the eyes. "Draco, why on earth would I tell you anything?" 

"Because you're hurting their relationship." 

"Lucius is a big boy, I'm sure he can handle it," Alexis said, leaning back in her chair. 

Alexis ignored the concerned look Demetri shot her. She stood and went to the kitchen. She poured herself some gin and drank the guilt away. 

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