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Alexis walked for a long time until she was sure she wasn't being followed. Hurt and confused, she apparated back home. When she opened the door, Demetri stood in the entryway, towering over her. His face was a mix of concern and anger. 

"Where the hell have you been?" he asked. 

"I went for a walk," she answered. 

Alexis tried to walk passed Demetri, but his large frame made it impossible. 

"Lex, what happened back there?" Demetri asked, his eyes softening. 

"I don't want to talk about it." 

Demetri stood there, allowed the silence to consume her, knowing Alexis struggled with silence. 

"He's an asshole," Alexis said, new tears springing to her eyes as the anger came back in strong waves. "He hurts just because he can." 

"I'm sorry Lex," Demetri said. "I could've told you he was an asshole. You can just tell." 

"I thought he would be different with me," Alexis replied. "I hate him."

Demetri's shoulders slacked. "I wish I could take your pain away. Truly, I do." 

Alexis met his eyes as she felt the weight of his pendant on her chest. She was so angry with Lucius and she could feel how much Demetri cared.

"Fuck him." Tears fell down Alexis's face as the anger took over. She felt herself collapse under her own weight as her heart broke. 

Demetri caught her. "Lex." His voice broke as his strong arms clung to her. 

Before Alexis could think things through, she flung her arms around his neck and kissed him. Demetri cocked his head back in surprise, breaking apart from her lips. His eyes lingered on hers for a moment until he closed the distance, kissing her back. 

The kiss was gentle at first, but it quickly turned into something fierce, something primal. Their lips fit together like a puzzle piece, their bodies ached for each other like magnets. Alexis pushed her tongue into his mouth and Demetri made a sound of surprise. He relaxed into her, allowing her to explore his mouth.

The front door opened and they broke apart, breathless and red in the face.

Draco stood in the doorway, his eyes flickering between Alexis and Demetri.

"I see you found her," Draco said. 

Demetri had his arms crossed, breathing hard. 

"You were looking for me?" Alexis asked. 

"After what happened to Draco, I didn't want to take any chances," Demetri explained. 

An awkward silence filled the room. 

Draco ran a hand through his hair. "Maybe I should go."

"No!" Demetri and Alexis shouted together. 

"I mean, you can stay," Demetri said. 

"Are you sure?" Draco asked. "I didn't mean to interrupt." 

"It's fine, Draco," Alexis said.

He closed the door behind him. "Good, because I need to grab some clothes." 

He made it to the first step when Alexis stopped him.

"Where's Lucius?" she asked, unable to help herself. She pretended not to notice Demetri flinch beside her. 

"He's at home," Draco answered. "My mother is... upset at yours and my father's outburst in the kitchen. He's there consoling her." 

"You guys heard?" 

"Not all of it," Draco said. "But enough." 

"Fuck." Alexis rubbed at her forehead, feeling a headache coming on. "Your mother must be so upset." 

There was a pause as Draco gripped the railing and Demetri slipped into the kitchen. 

"Do you care for my father?" Draco asked the moment Demetri was in the other room.

"What?" Alexis asked, surprised. 

"Do you care for him?" 


"It's a yes or no question." 

Alexis sucked in a breath. "Yes, I do." 

"And you care about Demetri." 

"Of course." 

"My father might not like to admit it, and neither do I, but he cares deeply about you." 

Alexis couldn't help her heart from fluttering at hearing this. 

"And I know for a fact, Demetri cares more about you than he does himself," Draco went on. "If you don't figure this mess out, you're going to hurt someone badly. Stop playing them both." 

"Are you joking?" Alexis asked. "I'm not playing either of them. I care about them too." 

"You need to choose," Draco said. He took a step down to be at her level. "And don't forget that one of them is married and you intended to murder him. You might still do." 

"What are you saying?" 

Draco looked at her, the gash in his forehead a faint scar. "Demetri will never recover from this. He loves deeply, almost to a fault." 

Alexis thought back to his first love and how much that relationship hurt him when she didn't love him back. "I never said I was going to pick Lucius." 

"Don't pretend with me," Draco replied. "I know your type. You're going to chase him until he turns his back on you. Usually, this crap doesn't bother me. But Demetri's a good guy. You're going to ruin him." 

Draco turned and went upstairs, leaving Alexis alone with her spiralling thoughts.

The Killing Kind   ~Lucius Malfoy~Where stories live. Discover now