A Strange Murder

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Alexis entered the room through the window. It was dark, the only source of light coming from a flickering candle that sat on the dresser. The room was dusty and smelled damp. The furniture was simple, a small bed lay on one side, a dresser and vanity on the same wall, a writing desk sat opposite. The floor creaked under her foot, causing the man to open his eyes. He sat in front of the vanity, looking at Alexis through the mirror. She wondered whether he had been asleep. 

The man showed no surprise at her arrival. She pulled her hood further down, watching the man. The way his eyes lingered on her sent a chill up her spine. His gaze was pleasant, as if greeting an old friend. 

"I was expecting you," he said, his voice hoarse and barely audible. 

Alexis narrowed her eyes, but didn't speak. The man was old, his body frail. She worried he might break if he turned around. He continued gazing at her through the mirror, a hint of a smile on his thin lips. 

"You've come to save me," he whispered. Alexis felt a sudden chill in the room.

"I've not come to save you," she said, her hand resting on the switchblade in her pocket. 

The man laughed softly, the sound piercing in this grimly room. He stood slowly, leaning heavily against the dresser. When his old bones finally managed to stand, he turned to face Alexis, holding onto the chair for support. His legs shook and Alexis had the instinct to reach out and help him. She hadn't expected him to be so frail considering he couldn't be older than 50. 

"What happened to you?" she asked, unable to stop herself. 

The man looked down at his own body. "Pity, isn't it?" He looked back at Alexis, but she got the impression that he was looking through her. "This is what happens when you possess too much darkness. When you sin so many times, your body becomes nothing. Is nothing." The man chuckled as if he said something funny. "Who are we to play God? To decide who lives and who dies. This is my punishment and you have come to save me." 

Alexis struggled to keep her face neutral, her facial muscles wanting to react to the absurdity coming out of his mouth. 

"I'm not here to save you," she repeated. 

"I've been waiting so long for you." A single tear fell from the man's eye, a smile on his lips. He let go of the chair, standing on his own. 

"Who do you think I am?" Alexis had the impulse to leave. Something felt off about this man. 

He furrowed his brows, his smile fading from his lips. "Who do I think you are?" he repeated her question, curiosity etching his features. "Death, of course." 

"Death?" Alexis repeated slowly. 

The man look out the window. "It's a bitter night." 

Alexis stopped herself from turning to look out the window, wanting to keep her eyes on him. She had no idea what he was talking about, it was a warm evening for November. 

Alexis moved closer but his eyes remained on the window. 

"Can you see me?" she asked, peering at him. 

"Not with my eyes," he replied. 

As she got closer, she could see the blank stare, the emptiness in his eyes. She took her hand off her knife, instead removing her wand from her pocket. 

"Would you like to sit down?" she offered, unsure of how to proceed. She almost felt bad for the man. 

Instead of answering, the man closed his eyes and spread his arms out wide, as if readying himself for death. 

Alexis stared at the man for awhile. He remained completely still, his breathing slow and even. Even though he appeared weak and frail, she recognized the Death Eater from the photos.

She lifted her wand slowly, readying herself. As she opened her mouth to kill him, his eyes snapped open, his arms fell to his sides and he looked directly at her. She took a step back, surprised by his sudden change in demeanour. 

"Have you seen Lucius around?" he asked, his tone alert and loud. 

"W-what?" Alexis lowered her wand slightly. 

"Malfoy. That rich fucker. Where is it?" 

Alexis's eyes grew slightly wide, his tone and voice changed drastically. "I-I'm-" 

"Spit it out!" he shouted. His eyes appeared to be seeing, following her every movement. "I don't have all day." 

"I-I haven't seen him," she said. 

"I'll never forgive him." Anger flared in his gaze. He seemed to be remembering something. 

"What did he do?" 

The man laughed, the sound loud and humourless. "Like you don't know. You helped him with it." 

Alexis hesitated before answering, realizing he thought she was someone else. "I don't remember." 

"What are you going on about?" he asked, his brows knitting together as he looked at Alexis. "You were there with him when he took her from me." 

"Took who?" 

"Honestly, what has gotten into you?" the man asked. He gripped the back of the chair. "I'm tired. I think I should lay down." 

"Who did Lucius take from you?" Alexis asked with more confidence. 

"What?" the man asked. He looked at the ground, gripping the chair even harder. Alexis thought he might fall at any moment. 

"Lucius, who did he take?" 

The man looked at Alexis, his gaze confused. "Who are you?" His voice was panicked, unsteady. "Please leave." 

"Focus," Alexis pleaded. "Who did Lucius Malfoy take from you?" 

"Malfoy," he said the word slowly and Alexis nodded. "He took her." 

"Who? Who did he take?" Alexis asked urgently. 

"My dear Narcissa," the man answered sadly, grief striking his features. 

"Narcissa?" Alexis asked, confused.

"I loved her first," he said as he turned the chair around and sat down. He struggled to catch his breath. 

"What happened?" Alexis asked, intrigued. 

The man stared at the floor, oblivious to Alexis. He suddenly looked up, flinching slightly upon seeing someone standing there.

"Ah, you're finally here," he said, his tone mingled with fear. "I know why you're here. I can't say I'm surprised." 

"Why am I here?" Alexis asked with skepticism.

"You're here to kill me."

Alexis gripped her wand. "Yes." 

"I'm afraid," he said. "But I'm ready." He looked down at the ground as Alexis pointed her wand at him. "Promise me one thing?" Alexis waited, wanting to hear what he would say next. "Go through with killing Lucius. He deserves it." 

Alexis could feel her hand start to shake. Before she could change her mind, she muttered the killing curse. It was weak, but he was weaker. He died instantly, his body going limp in his chair. She left him like that, appearing asleep and peaceful. 

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