An Unexpected Relationship

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Alexis took her time going home. She wanted to confront Demetri about his meeting with Lucius, but knew he wouldn't be home until supper time, so she did errands during the day. 

She walked through the door of her house, removing her coat and dropping her bags onto the table. She heard voices coming from the kitchen. Eager to get to the bottom of this meeting, she strode into the kitchen with purpose. 

She froze as she saw Demetri, in a black and white suit, his broad shoulders seemingly too big for the jacket, sitting across from Lucius Malfoy. 

They both looked up as she came in. 

"Alexis," Lucius said. 

Alexis struggled to say anything. 

"Lex," Demetri said, his hand gesturing toward Alexis, "you're home. This is Lucius Malfoy. Mr Malfoy, this is my roommate Alexis Newhart." 

Lucius furrowed his brow slightly. "Roommate?" 

"Yes, we've been friends since birth." Demetri smirked in that charming way of his. 

Alexis was furious, unsure of what to do. 

"Demetri," Lucius leaned forward on his elbows, clasping his hands together, "let's not play games." 

"Sir?" Demetri squinted at him. 

"You've been following me for some time," Lucius said, his eyes daring. Alexis had never seen him look so intimidating. "You are clearly aware of my relationship with Alexis." 

Demetri smiled, hiding the surprise Alexis knew he must be feeling. "I was hoping you had forgotten." 

"I don't forget," Lucius said. "That's how I've survived this long." 

Demetri looked down at his hands, smiling in a satisfied way. Alexis knew he was thinking about the fact that Lucius was sitting in the home of the people who would murder him and had no idea. 

"Demetri," Alexis said, bringing Demetri out of his stupor. He met her eyes. "What is going on?" 

 "I offered to help your... friend... in finding a more secure place to stay," Demetri explained. 

"What's wrong with where he's staying now?" Alexis asked, trying to read Demetri's face. 

"It's good to keep moving," Demetri said. "Draco was kind enough to inform his father that I got him a job so Mr Malfoy reached out to the Ministry, found me, and asked if I could help." 

"I wasn't aware you knew my son, Alexis." Lucius's eyes were accusing. He was angry, despite the small smile on his lips. 

As if on cue, Draco walked into the room. He took a moment to process the situation.

"Draco," Lucius said casually. "Ah, yes, Demetri mentioned you were staying here. Your mother will be upset that you chose here instead of with her." 

"Father," Draco said, "what are you doing here?" 

"Demetri is going to help your mother and I find a safer location." 

"No," Draco said, earning a dirty look from Demetri. "I mean, I'm sure where you are now is fine." 

"If I was the killer," Demetri cut in, "I could easily figure out that you're staying on Elmer Street." 

Lucius furrowed his brows slightly and Alexis wanted to scream. Draco sucked in a breath, surprised to hear the familiar street come out of Demetri's mouth. 

"That's incredibly creepy," Lucius muttered, breaking the tension in the room. "Anyway, I figured he's helped you so much, Draco, he could do the same for me." 

"Father, he doesn't have that kind of power," Draco said, his voice pleading. 

"You told him Demetri got you the job?" Alexis asked, trying to make sense of everything. 

Draco looked at her slowly. "N-no. Not really. My father managed to get the information from me. I didn't mean to tell." 

"Is it a secret?" Lucius asked. 

"Of course not," Demetri said, looking annoyed. Alexis wanted to punch that look off his face. If anything, she should be the one annoyed. "Anyway, I'm going to look into what we talked about today, Mr Malfoy." Demetri stood and Lucius quickly followed his lead. They shook hands across the table. "You'll hear from me soon, sir." 

"Thank you," Lucius said. "You seem well-connected. I believe this could be the start of an interesting relationship. Wouldn't you agree?" 

"Definitely." Demetri grinned. 

Alexis wondered if Demetri saw the malice in Lucius's eyes. 

Lucius walked toward the door, stopping in front of Alexis. "Alexis, a word." 

Alexis's eyes darted over to Demetri, a silent command to not leave, then she followed Lucius out into the hallway. 

Before Lucius could speak, Alexis started. "Why are you making agreements with Demetri?" 

Lucius narrowed his eyes. "Should I not trust him?" 

"No, that's not what I mean-"

Lucius held up a hand to stop her. "I really am curious as to why you never told me that your roommate was this man and I have to say that I am not happy with this arangement. But first, you need to explain to me how you know my son." 

"I barely know him," Alexis said, keeping her voice low. "Demetri knows him. He offered him a job and a place to stay. I'm never here. I've barely spoken to him." 

Even thought Alexis wasn't religious, she silently prayed that her story matched whatever Demetri told him. 

"Why didn't you tell me?" Lucius demanded.

Alexis had no answer for this. She sighed, trying to look ashamed of herself. "I'm sorry." 

"Do not keep secrets from me." Lucius looked into her eyes intently. "I don't trust Demetri." 

"You don't?" Alexis asked, surprised. 

"Are you positive he doesn't have feelings for you?" 

Alexis felt relieved. "I'm sure." 

"I really don't like you living with him." 

Alexis said nothing at first, unsure of how to handle this. "I belong to you. Don't be jealous." 

With a finger, he lifted her chin and kissed her. When he pulled away, he studied her face. "I know you belong to me." 

When Lucius slammed the door behind him, Alexis raced back into the kitchen. Draco stood, looking scared and confused. Demetri lounged in the kitchen chair, appearing relaxed and pleased with himself. This angered Alexis more. 

"What the actual fuck Demetri!?" she shouted. "What was that!?" 

"Lex, it's fine," Demetri said, "I have a plan." 

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