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Alexis and Demetri walked into the house in which the Malfoys resided. Demetri clutched a bottle of wine while Alexis held flowers. They walked into a small living room, accented in black and gray tones. Lucius sat in an armchair, reading the paper, while Draco and Narcissa lounged on the couch. 

Narcissa jumped up at their arrival, plastering a smile on her face. She looked tired. It had been a week since Draco's kidnapping and Demetri allowed him to recover with his parents. 

"It's so nice of you to visit," Narcissa was saying. Alexis handed her the flowers while Demetri set the wine down on the coffee table.

"We just wanted to check in on Draco," Demetri said. "We won't stay long."

"Nonsense," Narcissa said, disappearing into the kitchen. She returned a moment later with a vase and glasses for the wine. "Stay as long as you want. We owe you that much." 

"You don't owe us anything, Mrs Malfoy," Demetri said reassuringly. 

"Please, call me Narcissa." 

Alexis met Lucius's eyes as he gazed over his paper. He seemed tense. 

"Dear, put the newspaper down. We have guests." Narcissa gave him a look and he set down the paper on the table. 

They all took a seat, and Alexis felt awkward. 

"How are you feeling, Draco?" Demetri asked. 

Narcissa poured them all wine. Alexis took her glass and drank generously. 

"Better," Draco said. "I had a minor concussion and some scars. But I'm not in pain or anything." 

"I'm glad to hear it," Demetri responded. "You were in pretty rough shape, there." 

Narcissa looked down at the ground. Flashbacks of blood falling from Draco's mouth appeared in Alexis's mind. 

"Yeah," Draco laughed. "Thanks for, you know, saving me." 

"Don't mention it." Demetri sipped his wine. 

"Yes," Lucius said slowly, "they're quite the modern day superheroes." 

Alexis shot him a dirty look. 

"It was all Lex, really," Demetri went on, oblivious to Lucius's cold tone. "Without her, we'd probably all be dead." 

"Yes, well, let's not dwell on what could have been." Narcissa's smile didn't reach her eyes. "Let's just be thankful nobody died." 

"Glen died," Lucius said. 

"Lucius," Narcissa and Alexis said together in warning, their voices harmonizing. 

There was an awkward silence that filled the room. Alexis looked at her wine, refusing to meet anyone's gaze. Narcissa stared at her husband, her gaze accusing and emotionless. 

Demetri cleared his throat. "We miss you at work-" 

"I was surprised to see how much strength you had when you stabbed Glen," Lucius interrupted. 

"Would you rather I let him kill us?" Alexis asked sarcastically. 

"That's not what I mean." Lucius laid back in his chair casually. "I never expected you to be so... calculated." 

"It wasn't calculated," Alexis retorted. "It was instinct." 

Lucius let out a humourless laugh. "Instinct? It looked like you knew what you were doing." 

"Can we not relive that horrible night?" Narcissa asked.

"So what if I did?" Alexis asked, ignoring Narcissa. "You don't know my past. Maybe I took self-defence classes." 

The Killing Kind   ~Lucius Malfoy~Where stories live. Discover now