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It took Demetri a couple of hours before returning, breathless and on edge. He aggressively shoved the pouch into Alexis's hands, muttering something about taking a break from helping her for awhile.

Alexis couldn't stop herself from thinking of him as she watched Theodore work. He held the small instrument against the time-turner, wand in his other hand, and muttered spell after spell. His face was strained as his hair grew wet with sweat. 

After a few more tries, he slammed his hand against the table, causing Alexis to jump. "It isn't working." 

"Why not?" Alexis asked. 

"If I knew that, I could probably fix it," he replied, annoyed. 

The small instrument looked like it could be screwed into a small opening in the time-turner. "Have you tried not using magic?" 

"It won't stay in properly without magic," he answered. "We risk it moving around. It could fall out and be detrimental to the user. They could get stuck in a timeline."

"Well, then, I just won't let it fall out," Alexis said. 

"It's way too dangerous." Theodore ran a hand through his hair. "Besides, for all I know, it might just warp you back to this timeline." 

"It's a chance we need to take," Alexis said. "Let me test it." 

Theodore stared at the time-turner as silence filled the space between them. "You must know the rules of time travel?" he asked quietly. 

"I know of them." She eyed Theodore. 

"You can't go back and change something that has already been done," he said in a monotone voice, as if reciting something. "You can only alter things that may or may not happen." 

"I think we're well beyond rules at this point." Alexis looked at the time-turner. "Let me try." 

"You can't bring him back." 

Alexis paused. "Who?" 

"Lucius." Another pause as tension built. "I'm assuming that's what you're doing. He's already dead. You need to let it go. Who knows what bringing him back will change." 

"Let me use the time-turner, Theodore." It was a command. Alexis was tired of talking. 

When Theodore didn't move, Alexis reached over him and grabbed the time-turner. He didn't stop her, just sat there, immobilized. 

"I'll bring it back," she promised him. 

He didn't reply or move. Alexis wasn't even sure if he heard her. She slowly left the basement, walked out of his house and apparated. 

She appeared in front of Malfoy Manor, the house looking more deserted than usual. 

She looked down at the time-turner. She pressed a finger against the mechanical instrument, securing it, and turned over the device a couple of times, unsure of how it worked. 

Before her, the world changed, moving backwards. The sun receded and reappeared in the sky many times. Snow reappeared on the ground, flying upwards to the clouds. Eventually, the world stopped moving so quickly and stilled. She looked around, not knowing what day it was. She shoved the time-turner inside the pouch Demetri gave her. The snow cracked under her feet as she walked toward the house. She shivered, cursing herself for not bringing a better jacket. 

Slowly, hesitantly, she used the brass knocker to knock loudly at the door. She waited, hoping. All was silent, except for her own heartbeat. After about a minute, she lost hope. As she turned around, ready to leave and try somewhere else, she came face-to-face with Lucius.

She stared at him, wide-eyed. He was pale, with a tint of pink on his cheeks from the cold. Proof that blood still ran in his veins. His brows furrowed in confusion, proof that he still moved. He stood before Alexis, alive. Very much alive. 

"Alexis?" he asked. 

Alexis launched herself into his arms, holding him as tightly as she could. Tears instantly sprang to her eyes, wetting his jacket as she buried her face in his chest. 

His arms wrapped instinctively around her. "Alexis, what's the matter?" His voice rang with concern and she hugged him tighter. 

They stayed that way for a long time. She wept as he embraced her, unsure of what to do. 

"We should get inside," he finally said, cocking his head to look at her. "You must be freezing. Where's your jacket?" 

They broke apart and Alexis wiped at her eyes. "I forgot it." 

Lucius raised one eyebrow. "How do you forget your jacket?" 

Alexis shrugged, staring at him intensely. She never wanted to look away. 

He opened the door, ushering her inside. She hadn't realized how cold she was until she felt the warmth of the room. They walked to the small living room and Lucius immediately started a fire in the hearth. 

When he turned around, Alexis was watching him. 

"Do you want to tell me what's happened?" he asked. 

"What do you mean?" 

"You're clearly upset," he explained, crossing over to her in two long strides. His arms wrapped around her waist. "Is it Demetri?" 

"N-no, it's-" Alexis looked at his chest, trying to think of a lie. "It's nothing, Lucius. I'm just happy to see you." 

Lucius leaned in and she could feel his breath on her cheek. "How happy?" 

She curled her hands in his hair, bringing him in closer. "Extremely." 

Their lips met, softly and passionately. As their hunger for each other grew, their kiss became hurried and sloppy. They undressed each other, the blaze of the fire warming their skin. Lucius gently brought Alexis down to the ground as he kissed her lips, her jawline, her collarbone. 

Alexis wrapped her legs around his waist. Lucius inserted two fingers into her, feeling her wetness, her eagerness for him. She moaned into his ear, relishing in this moment, this closeness. She was too aware that this might be the last time she feels this close to him. 

He removed his fingers and guided himself inside of her. Alexis gasped when he thrusted into her, moving back and forth with desire. Their movements complimented each other, moving in perfect rhythm to a song only they could hear. 

They made love multiple times, rejoicing in each other's bodies. Alexis silently prayed for this moment to never end, but unfortunately, time doesn't stop for anybody. 

The Killing Kind   ~Lucius Malfoy~Where stories live. Discover now