Star-Crossed Lovers

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Alexis opened her mouth to utter a spell as Lucius lunged for her.

"Alexis!" he cried out. "Don't!" 

His hand gripped her wrist tightly, trying to force it down. She struggled against him as a blast sounded from downstairs. They both stilled, staring at the bedroom door. Suddenly, it burst open with an explosion, the hinges coming undone as the door flew toward them. 

Lucius waved his wand with intense swiftness, forcing the door to miss them by a mere inch. 

Lucius grabbed Alexis's arm, forcing her behind him as he pointed his wand toward the hole in the wall where the door used to be. 

A massive cloud of dust and smoke filled the space. Alexis placed her arm over her mouth and nose, trying not to breathe it in. 

As the cloud began to clear, a tall figure loomed in the doorway, his wand raised high. As vision returned, Lucius and the man moved to shoot at each other. Lucius was not quick enough. The man sent a spell that hit Lucius straight in the chest. He flew backwards, over the bed and crashed into the window. 

The glass was thick, preventing him from falling through it. Glass shattered from the impact, falling all around an unconscious Lucius. 

"NO!" Alexis screamed out, the word elongated and broken at the end. 

She lunged over the bed, falling on the floor and crawled to Lucius on her hands and knees. Shards of glass filled her palms and tore at her clothing, but she barely felt it. She knelt by Lucius, his face in her hands.

"Lucius," she tried saying, his name coming out hoarse. "Please." 

She brushed at his face, clearing the glass that landed there. Tiny cuts littered his cheek. His eyes were barely open and unseeing. 

She heard the creak of the floor and turned back to look at his attacker. Demetri was standing there, his eyes wide in surprise. 

"Why?" she screamed at him. "Why did you do this?" Her voice faltered on every word, as if she'd been crying for hours. 

Demetri approached slowly, cautiously. "I-I thought he was hurting you..." His voice drowned out as the room filled with Alexis's sobs. 

Her shoulders shook violently and she willed them to stop. They didn't. She looked at Lucius, his grey eyes once filled with life, now empty. 

"How do I fix this?" she cried out. "What do I do?" 

Demetri seemed frozen in place, unable to process what had transpired. 

She looked back at Demetri. "Help me!" she screamed. "Do something!" 

Demetri's eyes were fixed on Lucius, unable to look at Alexis. 

Alexis turned back to Lucius, laying his head down gently. She placed her head on his chest, listening carefully. Nothing. 

Her teeth clenched together as she remained there, her ear pressed into his breastbone. She expected to hear the beat of his heart, to feel his chest rising as his lungs filled witht air. But there was nothing.

She lifted her head and looked at Lucius. No, she looked at what was Lucius. The person that residing in this body was gone, its core that gave it life vanished. All that what was left was a body. Empty and cold and lifeless. 

Demetri sank to his knees, still unable to look at Alexis. She sat, her body shaking as she covered her mouth to hold in her cries. Tears fell over her hand, falling onto Lucius's shirt. 

Alexis sucked in a breath and removed her hand, wiping her eyes and nose. "We need to get him help," she said matter-of-factly. "Help me move him, Demetri. We need to bring him somewhere." 

She moved Lucius's arm, as if to carry him. When Demetri didn't move, she turned to look at him, her gaze accusing and unforgiving. 

"Are you going to help me?" she asked, her tone unfriendly. 

"Lex," Demetri said, his voice soft and quiet. He put a hand on her back and she shivered at his touch. 

"Do something, Demetri," she said.

"Lex," he repeated, "he's gone." 

"No he's not," she said as she turned to look at him. She crumbled a piece of his shirt in her hand, her knuckles white from the strain. 

"Look at him, Lex. He's gone." 

"I am looking at him!" she shouted. "He isn't gone! He can't be gone!" 

"I'm sorry, Lex." 

Alexis closed her eyes tightly. "Stop saying my name." Her voice shook. 

Demetri reached over, closing Lucius's eyes with his hand.

"He can't be gone!" Alexis repeated. "I love him! He can't be gone! This wasn't supposed to be our ending!" 

The sobs burst out of her, angry and uncontrollable. She collapsed onto Lucius's body, her face buried in his chest, and she cried. His skin was already getting cold, so she held on tighter, wanting to warm him. She cried as she waited to feel him move underneath her, to feel his arm embrace her, to hear his voice tell her that he was okay. But none of that happened. And none of it would ever happen. 

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