A Quick Encounter

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Alexis found Lucius in the kitchen of Malfoy Manor. Some cupboards were missing doors, the pantry was empty and dusty, and the floor had missing tiles scattered throughout. Lucius leaned over the black and white island, his attention directed toward a newspaper he was reading. He wore a black suit that was slimming and tailored to his frame. Alexis couldn't help but admire how good he looked in it. 

Lucius looked at her as she approached. 

Alexis leaned across from him, trying to look at the newspaper.

"What are you reading?" she asked. 

He slid the paper over to her, his fingers long and strong. "Another Death Eater murdered." 

Alexis looked down at the paper but her eyes blurred. She didn't want to read what it said. 

"He's in the area," Lucius went on. "I don't think it's safe for us here." 

Alexis bit her lip nervously as visions of the man popped up in her mind. "Did you know him?" she asked quietly, her eyes glued to the counter. 

Lucius slid the paper back to him, peering down at it. He leaned on the palm of his hands, his mind seemingly elsewhere. "I did." 

"Was he a friend?" Alexis wanted to get the story from Lucius, but didn't want to give anything away. 

"No, he wasn't a friend," Lucius answered, folding the newspaper up so the smiling photo of the Death Eater vanished. 

"What was he to you?" 

Lucius looked at Alexis, taking a pause before answering. "He was nothing." 

Alexis bit her lip and lowered her eyes. 

"You don't believe me," Lucius muttered. Alexis looked up at him as she leaned on her elbows. 

"I never said that." 

"I can tell." Lucius smiled playfully. "You're easier to read than you think." 

Lucius didn't say it ominously, but Alexis still felt uneasy. 

Lucius leaned in closer, their faces inches from each other over the island. "Why do you think he meant something to me?" 

"I thought all Death Eaters were friends," Alexis answered with a shrug. 

"We may have run in the same circle, but a lot of us didn't get along," he explained. 

"Why didn't you get along with him?" 

"I never said I didn't." Lucius stood up straighter. "I barely knew him." 

The quiet stretched as disappointment filled Alexis, upset that he would lie so easily.

"I believe Narcissa knew him well," Lucius finally said. 

Alexis looked at him, full of curiosity. "Your wife?" 

Lucius nodded. "Yes, but I don't know more than that." 

Alexis didn't believe him but decided to drop the subject. She didn't want to seem suspicious. 

Lucius walked around the island, closing the distance between them. His lips were on hers in an instant, wrapping her up in a warm embrace. 

He pulled away slightly. "I've missed you." 

"It's only been a couple of days." Alexis giggled. 

"A couple of days away from you feels like an eternity," he said softly. Alexis leaned into him, his words like poetry, melting her heart like butter. "I'm afraid I can't stay long." 

Alexis pulled back, surprised. "What? Why not?" 

"I have a meeting." 

"A meeting?" Alexis echoed. "With who?" 

Lucius kissed her again, this time with more force. "We're going to have to make this quick." 

Suddenly, he was behind her, his hands working quick at undoing her pants. He pulled them down, along with her panties, and bent her over the island. 

Alexis gasped. "Lucius," she breathed, feeling his fingers push into her. She was wet immediately, wanting him closer, wanting to feel him inside her. 

"Do you like that, darling?" Lucius asked, his voice breathy and deep. 

"Mhm." Alexis closed her eyes, relishing in the feel of his skilled fingers, his calculated movements. 

When he removed his fingers, Alexis moaned in protest. She heard his pants unzip and braced herself for him. She gripped the table as he carefully inserted himself into her. He was hard and he grabbed her hips as he moved into her. 

He pumped into her for a while, panting as she moaned his name. His fingers found her bundle of nerves, sensitive to his touch. He teased her with the tips of his fingers, bending over her to breath in her ear. 

"Do you like when I touch you like this?" he asked. 

"I do," she answered, breathless. 

He stood up straight suddenly, removing himself from her. He turned her around with force and lifted her onto the island. The tiles were cold on her bare ass. He pulled her forward, looking at her with desire and need. 

His thumb circled her clit and she let out a soft moan. 

"Tell me how much you want it," he demanded, watching her body move in rhythm with his thumb

"I want it so bad, Lucius," she said, her eyes closed. 

"Beg for it," he commanded, his voice filling the room. 

"Please," she cried, "I want it so bad. Please, sir." 

A smirk crossed Lucius's mouth, his eyes hungry for her. "Good girl." 

He lowered himself and his mouth met her sex. He licked her, drinking from her. He sucked and moved his mouth against her, causing Alexis to lean back against her hands, rocking her body against his mouth. She cried out as her orgasm flooded all her senses. 

Lucius stood, placing her legs around him, he inserted himself into her easily. He guided her body to move along him, thrusting deep inside of her. He was practically holding her up, as he rocked her along his shaft. 

"You never told me who your meeting was with," she asked, her voice shaky. 

Lucius panted and groaned as he gripped her ass, supporting her weight against him. "Ministry bloke." His words came out strained. He was close to coming, Alexis could tell. 

She held onto his shoulders. "Why?" 

Lucius let out a groan as he pushed into her. "Security stuff. To protect my family." 

Alexis suddenly hated that she brought this up while they were having sex. Guilt crept up at the mention of his family. She tried pushing the thought away, focusing on the feel of him inside of her.

"You know him," Lucius said. "That Demetri guy."

Alexis froze, but Lucius's force kept her moving.

Within a few moments, he came, his breath timing with his orgasm. 

"Fuck," he breathed, lowering her onto the counter. He fixed his pants, zipping them up. "I really ought to go. I'm already late." 

He kissed her on the cheek before apparating. 

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