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They walked into a cottage made from old logs. The house was dark, the only source of light was from the rising sun outside. They walked through what appeared to be a living room, holding their wands high in case someone appeared. They walked into the kitchen, which was small and unused. A single counter sat beside the sink, the fridge sent a buzzing noise through the room. Their footsteps creaked as they approached a wooden, circular table. 

Alexis looked up the stairs that sat on the far wall. It was quiet and dark. She looked at Lucius who's attention was grabbed by something sitting on the table. 

He picked up a wand, turning it over in his hand carefully, observing it with interest. When he looked up at Alexis, she knew it must be Draco's wand. She turned her head back to the staircase, trying to communicate that they should go up. 

Demetri went first, then Alexis, and Lucius following close behind. They ended up in a short corridor, the floorboards squeaking with every step. 

A flicker of a light appeared under the furthest door. It disappeared so quickly, Alexis wondered if she had imagined it. Demetri looked back and followed her gaze. He made his way to the door, looked back once more before flinging it open as quickly as he could. 

The three pointed their wands inside the room. A man stared back at them, his wild, green eyes wide in surprise. His hair was brown and shaggy, with matching facial hair. He had a long scar on the side of his face and a crooked nose. His arm was extended as he pointed his wand to a frightened-looking Draco. Draco was bind to the chair he sat in, blood dripped down his forehead and into his eyes but Alexis couldn't see a wound. 

As Lucius lifted his wand higher, the man spoke. "Don't!" he shouted. "If you do anything stupid, I will kill the boy." 

Lucius's arm fell slightly, complying with his demands. 

"Draco," Lucius said, "are you all right?" 

Draco whimpered, but didn't answer. 

"Draco," Lucius repeated, his eyes flickering between the man and his son.

The man's grin widened and he let out a chuckle.

"Go ahead, Draco. Speak." The man's eyes never left Lucius. 

Draco opened his mouth, as if to say something, but instead of speaking, an abnormal amount of blood fell from his mouth, running down his chin and falling into his lap. 

"Draco!" Lucius shouted. He made to take a step toward his son but Alexis quickly held him back. "What did you do to him!?" Lucius shouted at the man. 

Alexis didn't need to look at Demetri to know that his skin paled upon seeing Draco. He was always squeamish with these kinds of things. 

"You really don't understand, do you, Lucius?" the man said, his voice cackling as he spoke, as if this was a game to him. 

"What am I meant to understand?" Lucius asked, his knuckles white from gripping his wand. 

The man's eyes finally left Lucius and took turns gazing at Alexis and Demetri. "You weren't meant to bring friends." 

Alexis narrowed her eyes at the man. "Who are you?" 

"Drop your wands, and we can talk," the man answered. When no one moved, he jammed the tip of his wand into Draco's throat. "Now!" 

The three hesitantly and slowly dropped their wands onto the ground. 

"Good," the man said, his tone suddenly friendly. He walked towards them, kicking the wands far away. "I suppose introductions are in order. My name is Glen. What's your name, pretty thing?" 

The man flicked a strand of Alexis's hair and her stomach flipped. 

Demetri pushed him back with an aggressive shove. "Don't touch her." 

The man raised his eyebrows. "It's like you want Draco to die." 

Draco whimpered as tears filled his eyes, from the pain or from fear, Alexis didn't know. 

"It's fine," Alexis said. "My name is Alexis. Can you tell us what's going on? Why did you take Draco?" 

The man smiled again. "Lucius can answer that for you, sweetheart." 

Alexis turned to look at Lucius. His eyes were squinted, as if trying to figure out a riddle. "How would I know the answer to that?" 

The man cocked his head slightly. "You don't remember me?" 

"Of course not," Lucius answered. "I have no idea who you are." 

"Ouch, my pride." The man smiled again. He circled around to stand behind Draco, the tip of his wand grazing Draco as he walked. "You've ruined my life Lucius, and you don't even have to decency to remember." Spit flew as he spoke, every word spoken more intensely than the last. 

"Just tell me what you want." Lucius tensed. 

"I want you to remember!" Glen shouted. 

"If you tell us what happened, he'll probably remember," Alexis suggested, trying to buy them time. 

"You took everything from me, Lucius," Glen said. "I've been waiting years to figure out where you were. Imagine my surprise when my buddy tells me a Malfoy was suddenly working at the Ministry, trying to change his life. I was disappointed to find out it was the wrong Malfoy, until I figured I could exchange one for the other. You killed my son, Lucius, so I'll kill yours." 

"Your son?" Lucius asked. "Who's your son?" 

"I was on the board of governors with you Lucius." Glen paused. 

Lucius's eyes grew wide in recognition. 

"There is it," Glen said. "You've figured it out." 

"I didn't know you had a son," Lucius said. 

"You never asked." Glen placed a hand on Draco's shoulder. "But I did. And you killed him during the war. He is gone because of you." 

"You're mad," Lucius said. "That was a long time ago. I'm sorry if I did kill him, but I've changed. Just please let Draco go." 

"I need to avenge my son, Lucius."

Alexis cringed as her own words reflected back to her. She must seem just as crazy as this man. However, she wouldn't have waited this long to kill him.

"Glen, please," Lucius said. 

With a flick of the man's wand, Demetri was sent flying into the opposite wall.

Alexis turned to him. "Are you all right?" 

Demetri rubbed the back of his head. "I'm fine," he grumbled. 

"Don't get up!" Glen shouted. He took a few steps toward Alexis, his wand trained on Draco. "Pretty, pretty, girl. Wasting your time with a crook like Malfoy." 

The man grazed her cheek with his knuckle. Alexis stiffened at his touch. Lucius reached for Alexis to pull her behind him, but Glen caught his wrist mid-grab.

He began twisted Lucius's wrist as Lucius tried to resist his movements. They broke apart with a grunt. 

The man flung his wand and the door behind them closed viciously, the sound of a lock reverberating in the room.

They were locked in this room, wandless and with a man who was most likely going to kill them.  

The Killing Kind   ~Lucius Malfoy~Where stories live. Discover now