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Demetri walked into the kitchen the next morning, rubbing the sleep from his eyes. Alexis was already sitting at the table, sipping on her coffee. 

He sat across from her, watching her carefully. "What's the plan?" he asked. 

"Hm?" she answered, finding his eyes across the table. 

"Lucius. What's the plan?" Demetri tried to tread carefully, not wanting a repeat of yesterday's events. 

"Oh," Alexis answered sombrely, her gaze thoughtful. "I'm supposed to meet him at his old Manor." 


"He showed it to me yesterday," Alexis explained. 

"I... have a lot of questions." 

"Can you save them for later?" Alexis grabbed the pot from the middle of the table, pouring herself more coffee. 

"Yes," Demetri said, watching her place the pot down. "Where should I stay? You know, in case you need me." 

Alexis's gaze flickered to Demetri for a moment. "About that. He's asked about you." 

"Me? What do you mean?" 

"I guess he's noticed someone lingering around me all the time," Alexis said, sending Demetri a dirty look. 

"I literally disguise my face." 

Alexis simply shrugged. 

"Ok, fine, I'll stay hidden," Demetri relented, grabbing Alexis's coffee cup and downing the rest in one quick swallow. 

"Do you mind?" Alexis asked. 

Demetri slammed the mug down on the table as thunder boomed outside. "Too much caffeine is not good for you." He stood. "Ready, sunshine?" 

Alexis rolled her eyes before following him out of the room. 

They apparated in front of the familiar gate in which stood the mansion.

"Wow," Demetri said, gazing up at the towering house. "This is huge." 

The rain fell quick, soaking their feet. They each held tightly onto an umbrella, shielding themselves as much as possible from the elements. Thunder continued to echo above them and lightning lit up the darkened grounds around them. 

"You should hide before he see's you," Alexis shouted over the pounding of the rain. 

"Right," he said, tearing his gaze from the house to look for a hiding spot.

"In the bush, Demetri," Alexis said, giving him a small push toward some shrubs. 

"It just had to bloody rain today," Demetri groaned, lowering himself into the bush. 

Alexis made her way inside, placing the soaked umbrella against the wall. As she made her way to the living room they were in yesterday, she looked at the paintings on the walls. Covered in dust, she could still make out their value, recognizing the brushwork of famous painters. Portraits of unknown people moved about their frames, whispering as they noticed Alexis. She heard a king sitting on a thrown of dead bodies complain loudly about the state of his frame. 

When she got into the room, Lucius was already there, sitting on the sofa. He stood upon her arrival, greeting her with a smile. His eyes peered down at her with lust. 

"You must be freezing." Lucius beckoned her to the sofa, which faced a hearth in which a blazing fire warmed the room. 

Alexis could hear her heart pounding in her ears. She never felt nervous before killing and she tried to remind herself that this was always meant to be the ending. 

She sat beside Lucius, her hands deep in her coat pocket, fiddling with her wand. 

"You're quiet, darling," Lucius said, examining her face. His arm was wrapped around the back of the sofa, offering more warmth on this cold day. "What's wrong?" 

Alexis stared into the fire, watched as the flames crackled, her fingers continuing to stroke her wand. 

"You left in such a hurry yesterday," Lucius went on. "I was worried." His arm fell onto her shoulders, holding her tightly. "I'm glad you came back." 

Alexis bit her lip so hard she drew blood. She sucked on her bottom lip, trying to ensure Lucius didn't notice. 

With his other hand, he gently turned her face toward him. She met his eyes before he glanced down at her lip. With his thumb, he wiped the small amount of blood. 

"You're nervous," he stated. 

"I'm sorry," was all Alexis could muster. 

"About what, darling?" he asked, eyeing her curiously. "Did you not like what we did yesterday?" 

Alexis studied him and sighed. "No, I did. That's the problem. I really liked it." 

"I don't see how that's a problem," Lucius said. 

Alexis turned back to the fire, trying to push away the emotion that threatened to break free. "I know you're married, Lucius." 

Alexis felt Lucius stiffen. She wasn't sure why she brought this up, only that it was the closest she could express to him without giving away her true intentions. 

"I see," he said, his voice deep and soft. "Did that upset you?"

Alexis snapped her head back in his direction. "Probably not as much as it should have." 

Lucius raised one eyebrow briefly. "How did you find out?" 

Alexis bit her lip again and Lucius reached up, smoothing it out with his thumb. She could taste his finger on her lip. "My friend, Demetri, he's heard of you. Well, he's heard of the Malfoy name." 

"Ah." Lucius turned to watch the fire. "I knew it would come out at some point. My family was well-known." He turned back to look at Alexis. "What else did you find out?" 

Alexis watched his eyes bore into her. She had a sudden urge to tell him the whole truth. "Nothing. Just that you're married," she said as she fought against her impulses. 

Lucius looked at her intently, as if trying to read on her face whether this was the truth. Eventually, he seemed satisfied. "Is that why you ran off yesterday?" 

"Yes," Alexis answered. "I felt sick about my actions." 

"So where does that leave us?" 

Alexis suddenly noticed she had been gripping her wand tightly, her fingers aching from her clutch. She jumped as the thunder sounded outside. She went to pull her wand out, pushing away her feelings to make room for her brain. 

"Alexis, I'm sorry I've kept this from you," he said suddenly, causing Alexis to halt. "I've cheated on my wife before and I thought you were going to be like the others. I thought we'd sleep together then we'd never see each other again. But you were different." Lucius's thumb drew small circles into her arm, causing goosebumps to erupt all over her skin. 

"The more we got to know each other," he continued, "the harder it was for me to just walk away." He turned his body to face her, grabbing her hand in his. Her other hand still held the wand, buried in her pocket. "I caught myself developing actual feelings for you, Alexis. Feelings I thought I would never feel again. Then I just wanted to see you all the time." Lucius left out a soft laugh. "I felt like a teenager again. My life has been a series of mistakes and close-calls. I wasn't going to let you be one of them. I thought telling you about my wife might make you leave. I was too afraid to risk that. I'm so sorry, Alexis." 

Alexis watched him, saw the emotion in his eyes. She questioned whether he was being truthful, but she felt her heart wanting to believe him. She felt herself falling into his vulnerability, allowing herself to succumb to his words. Her grip loosened on her wand as he leaned over and kissed her. This kiss was different, it was soft and gentle, and full of emotion. The kiss deepened as their wanting for one another grew. 

Before Alexis could think about what was happening, they were undressing each other. In a heartbeat, she was straddling him as he gently inserted himself into her. They made love in front of the fire, the flames warming their bare skin. It was slow and passionate, and nothing like Alexis had ever experienced before.  

The Killing Kind   ~Lucius Malfoy~Where stories live. Discover now