Killer Instincts

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Draco whimpered from where he sat, blood falling from his mouth as he breathed hard through his nose. The blood on his forehead and eye was drying, forcing one eye to remain closed. 

Glen's wild eyes flickered between Lucius and Alexis. He took another step closer to Alexis. 

"Glen," Lucius spoke suddenly, "she has nothing to do with this. Just leave her alone." 

Alexis watched Glen with disdain. She could feel his breath on her face as his eyes poured into her. 

"It's fine, Lucius," Alexis said, her voice even and calm. "I can handle him." 

Glen laughed. "How endearing. What can a pretty, little thing like you do to me?" His eyes glinted with desire and Alexis felt sick to her stomach. 

Alexis kept her face even, trying to hide the disgust she felt. "I could probably do some damage," she said seductively, taking a step toward the man. "Would you like to see?" The edges of her mouth tilted upwards.

"Very much so," Glen replied, wrapping a strand of Alexis's hair around his long finger. "Show me," he whispered. 

"With pleasure." Alexis reached for her switch blade and withdrew it before Glen could realize what she was doing.

The man was so close to her, an easy reach. She plunged the knife into his abdomen, right underneath his ribs. She wanted him to die slowly, painfully. She pushed the knife in deeper, putting all her weight against it. She saw the man's eyes widen in surprise before he toppled forward, into her. 

She heard the clatter of his wand as he dropped it, heard Demetri move behind her and grabbing the wand, pointing it at the man. Alexis shoved him with all her force as she struggled beneath his weight. He fell backwards, almost causing her to fall with him. 

Alexis breathed hard as she stood over her man. Glen grunted from the floor, his hands wrapped around the knife still lodged in his stomach. Alexis reached down and withdrew the knife in one quick motion. A pool of blood quickly formed underneath him.

Glen grunted and cried out as Alexis watched. She wiped the blade of her knife on her jeans and returned it to the safety of her waistband. 

"Lex," Demetri said, causing her to turn and look at him. 

He tossed her her wand. She turned back to the man. She could feel Lucius and Demetri's stare, their eyes burning into her back. She watched as the man's eyes turned lifeless and dark. 

Draco's cry brought her back to reality. She rushed to him, falling to her knees. 

"Draco," she said as Lucius held out his wand, undoing the bindings with a nonverbal spell. Alexis took that moment to glance at Lucius. His face was pale, his eyes concerned. She turned back to Draco, who was rubbing his arms. "Draco, open your mouth." 

Draco shook his head, fear written on his face. 

"Please, Draco, we need to see the damage so we can heal you," she explained. 

Draco hesitated before opening his mouth, more blood falling from it.

"Lumos," Alexis muttered, using the light from her wand to see in his mouth. "Can you spit out the blood?" 

Draco did as he was told, spitting out what he could over the side of the chair. Alexis looked in his mouth again. His tongue appeared to almost be split in two, the gash being a couple of inches long.

Alexis looked around the room. Lucius appeared to be staring at them in shock, while Demetri stood near the door, looking like he might be sick. Alexis looked back at Draco, realizing that she was the only one who was mentally capable of healing him.

She pointed her wand at his tongue. "Episkey." 

The split tongue seemed to try to heal itself, its fibres pulling at each other until it formed a single tongue. The bleeding stopped but there was a very visible scar. 

"I'm not great at healing spells, so you should probably see an actual healer." 

Draco nodded as he wiped at the dry blood.

"Can you speak?" Alexis asked. 

"I-" Draco stopped short. He glanced at Glen, dead on the floor. He turned back and threw up on his other side. 

Alexis fell backwards to avoid to splashback, landing in a pile of blood. She lifted her hand, peeling her fingers apart. 

Demetri helped her to her feet. "The smell of blood and vomit is really not sitting well with me. Can we go?" 

The four of them left in silence, apparating back to Alexis and Demetri's house. 

They walked inside, Alexis covered in blood, Demetri pale as a ghost, and Draco looking like he just came back from a horror film. 

Narcissa was sitting on the couch, her cheeks tear-stained. 

"Draco!" she shouted upon seeing her bloodied son. "Oh my God. Oh my God, what happened?" 

She cried harder and Draco went to her. They embraced each other for a long time. Demetri went to sit in an armchair, as Alexis and Lucius stood shoulder to shoulder. 

As Draco tried to reassure his frantic mouther, Lucius leaned in slightly toward Alexis. 

"Are you going to explain to me what happened back there?" he asked. 

"What do you mean?" Alexis looked at him curiously. 

"You killed a man without a moment of hesitation," Lucius answered. 

Alexis hesitated before answering. She looked up at Lucius, his gray eyes glued to her. "I did what I had to to save Draco." 

One side of Lucius's mouth tilted up. "Do you always carry a knife with you?" 

Alexis shrugged one shoulder. "I'm small. You never know when someone might attack you." 

"A wand isn't enough?" 

Alexis turned back to see Narcissa and Draco still embracing, however, Narcissa was watching Lucius and Alexis carefully, her gaze cold. 

"You should probably join them," Alexis said, trying to keep her face neutral. 

Lucius walked over to his family, embracing them and comforting his wife. 

Alexis hadn't heard Demetri sneak in beside her. 

"It was self-defence, Lex," he said, watching the family reunite. 

"I know." Her tone was distant. 

"You did the right thing," he went on. 

Alexis bit her lip instead of responding. She tried to fight off the guilt of killing someone who was doing exactly what she had been doing for 3 years. She felt lost, unsure of who she was anymore. 

"Lex," Demetri said, bringing her back to the present. "It was us or him." 

Alexis swallowed hard as Demetri put an arm around her shoulders, the weight comforting. 

The Killing Kind   ~Lucius Malfoy~Where stories live. Discover now