ʀᴇᴀᴅʏ ᴛᴏ ʟᴇᴀʀɴ? ♡

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Jisung stares at the soft features of his best friend as he loudly laughs, not caring how ugly he might look and slapping his knee along the way. The way his little pretty nose scrunches, or how his open mouth lets everyone take a peak of his tongue piercing. Even his hair is kinda pushed back.

Everything about him is mesmerising, is perfect, and absolutely adorable.

"The milk is gonna come out of your nose!" Seungmin warns the red-haired, who only keeps on laughing as if he were about to exploit. Minho joins his giggles, getting infected by the younger like a disease.

The café somehow seems way better with his laugh echoing around and his cute features showing off. The boy looks breathtaking. Always perfectly beautiful. It is so fucking easy to fall in love with such bright persona, such adorable little actions, such pretty lips, and gorgeous freckles.

Damn you, Felix. How come you are so fucking lovable? Jisung sighs, heart beating way too fast.

He needs help.

Help from an expert.

Jisung looks across the table, eyes landing on his school best friend, who's trying not to laugh at the bad jokes Felix is telling them.

Help from Lee Minho.

As the day passes, Jisung goes to the building's garden to meet up his other best friend, as he had already asked him earlier to meet up there. The message said, "S.O.S", which alerted the elder.

"You okay? What happened?"

"Minho hyung" Jisung smiled widely, "I need a favour"

"Okay...? Shoot"

"I want you to teach me"

"Teach you what?" Minho raises an eyebrow, not fully getting it, but still quite concerned.

"I want you to teach me about sex"


~ Coming soon ~
Don't be shy, take your notebook, pencil, and let's learn together ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

hello, lovely humans I adore ♡
welcome back to teach me. Just in case you don't know, this "teach me" book already exists, it was written in 2020, and it was my first smut book. As time has passed, I realised there were many things I wanted to change and upgrade. So, here it is. The upgraded version of the teach me of 2020!

the storyline won't change, just in case you've already read it. What will change is some lessons (WAY MORE AND SPICIER ONES), their ages, and you'll see more of Jisung's crush + more development in the personalities, relationships, and much more background in many things I felt like some weren't clear enough.

you ready? 'Cause I am.

⚠️ Important ⚠️
This is totally imaginary, I do not own SKZ or any other idol mentioned and the personality might not match the actual idol since it's all for fun and fiction! ♡
Let's remember that, it's all FICTION and this book does not intent to declare anyone's sexuality, nor relationships. It's for entertainment and nothing else.

Enjoy a lot!

teach me 2.0 | Minsung   ♥︎Where stories live. Discover now