ʟᴇꜱꜱᴏɴ 11 ᴘᴛ. 1

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ʟᴇꜱꜱᴏɴ 11 ᴘᴛ. 1
"of blowjobs and embarrassing moments"

Minho gulps, unsure of what's unfolding before him. His eyes shamelessly eat Jisung's slim body, as he undoes his belt, lowering down his jeans, and quickly taking them off, staying with just his boxers on. Minho's jaw clenches, scanning the beautiful body his best friend has. Gosh, what an urge to touch every single inch of it, to embrace it, feel it shiver under his hands. The brunette can't deny the obvious physical attraction, but he isn't quite sure if it might just be because he hasn't slept with anyone since the lessons started, or if he's always felt physically attracted but never truly noticed.

"I can give you one if you want to" he says, gulping at the sight of Jisung getting on the bed in front of him.

"Have you seen yourself in the mirror?"

"Of course, my sight is still good, unlike yours"

Jisung rolls his eyes, while taking his glasses off, "You look like crap. Too tired, and pale" he gets closer, handing Minho the glasses so the male can put them on the nightstand, "How about I do the work? You can relax, and I'll just follow your instructions"


"Why can't you just accept my offer?" the younger pushes Minho further into his pillows, "I want you to relax, and feel pleased for one damn night"

"You don't have to"

"I want to"

Minho sighs, defeated, he ran out of excuses, "I'll return the favour"

"Okay, shut up already" Jisung shamelessly sits on top of the male, not really thinking about how his ass is now suffocating the clothed dick he claims he wants to suck. His hands cover the elder's mouth, literally shutting him up, "Why are you so damn stubborn?"

Minho gives him a glare, widening his eyes when Jisung moves slightly.

"What? Why are you looking at me like that?"

Minho does it again, widens his eyes and looks down, as if he were telling Jisung something.

The younger frowns, "I don't get it"

The elder rolls his eyes backwards, annoyed. His hands harshly take Jisung by the hips, pulling him down rather aggressively, making his clothed dick push further into Jisung's ass cheeks.

"Oh, shit!" the younger moves away, embarrassed, "Sorry, didn't mean to sit on your chilli"

"My chili? I've got a pretty decent size, thanks" Minho scoffs, "You are the one with the chilli"

"I'll cry if you say my dick is a chilli ever again"

Minho's neck almost cracks as the male turns to see his best friend in a scared state, "Are you for real?"


"I- I didn't mean it in a bad way, you've got a pretty- pretty normal size too. You know I just like to lighten the mood with weird humour"

teach me 2.0 | Minsung   ♥︎Where stories live. Discover now