ʟᴇꜱꜱᴏɴ 22

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ʟᴇꜱꜱᴏɴ 22
"of  a broken heart"

Their lips gently meet one more time, before parting ways and letting small giggles come out of them. Their naked bodies caress each other, feeling the warmth and comfort spreading all over. Weekends are spent like this, both of them tangled between the sheets, giggling, kissing, fucking. The moans feeling the room are addicting, and the blue-haired male can't help but want to hear more of them. The burning passion he feels for the pretty freckled Australian is kind of insane. His brain is thoroughly washed off with erotic images of the male, his raspy voice calling his name and his plump lips asking to be kissed.

"Shit, I gotta run to class" Felix shatters the bubbly atmosphere, as he lightly pushes Jisung away to collect his clothes.

Jisung whines in response. A really loud whine, "Babe, no, we were just getting started"

Felix scoffs, "It's already Monday morning, Sung, we've been fucking all weekend" he laughs, strangely cold. But the blue-haired doesn't even notice, he's too trapped in his own love clouds.

"Dammit" he finally sighs, giving up, "Can we have lunch together, at least?"

"Sure, I'm off at 2"

The newly blond doesn't pay much attention, as he dresses up in some of the clothes he brought to spend the weekend at Jisung's. Their morning shower had turned into another session of wild and heated sex. Jisung couldn't get enough of it, addicted to every single part of it, and not even noticing how Felix started to get tired of it. But the blond always finds it hard to say no, to stop, and to deny others. Jisung gets up from the bed too, wrapping his arms around Felix, and giving him a back hug. The blond stiffens for a second, before relaxing and giving the male his brightest smile. Jisung smiles back, staring at Felix through the mirror.

"You look gorgeous" a small kiss is planted on Felix's freckled shoulder.


"You look even more gorgeous with nothing on, though"

The shine in Felix's eyes slowly fades, as his expression hardens. Jisung has been his friend for a while, and in all these years, Felix never expected the male to end up like the rest. Remarks on how his body is pretty, on how amazing he sounds, on how good he is at having sex. That's it. Nothing else. He made another mistake. Again. It was all fun at first, Jisung would get flustered at the slightest touch, and call him pretty names. But now, Felix has grown tired of it. He's grown tired of feeling so used and of allowing himself to be used. They even stopped playing video games or talking about their studies, it's just sex all the time. Their friendship seems to have been buried under the sheets. And it's all his fault.

Felix bites his tongue, What kind of monster have I created?

"Yeah, I gotta go"

The blond breaks the hug coldly, quickly reaching for his t-shirt to put it on and leaving as fast as he can, not even looking back at Jisung. The blue-haired frowns, kinda taken aback by the attitude, and not quite sure of what happened. Where's Minho when he needs him? Is he doing something wrong and not noticing it? Fuck. Jisung closes his eyes, recalling the whole weekend and trying to figure out what the fuck he's done wrong to upset Felix.

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