ʟᴇꜱꜱᴏɴ 19

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ʟᴇꜱꜱᴏɴ 19
"of the very first kiss"

Four years ago

Just like any other Saturday night, both Jeongin and Jisung were in the elder's room, laying on the bed and eating some chips while watching the third movie of the Insidious saga. Jeongin adjusted his glasses, eyes widened and fixed on the screen, waiting for a jump scare to stop his heart. Jisung, on the other hand, had his eyes on his phone, texting Minho, who ditched their movie night to go out with his other friends. Not that they blamed him, but they were quite jealous -more Jisung than Jeongin, really-. Minho was already 18, a senior and allowed to go party -not like his parents cared, anyway-. Jisung wanted to go too!

"Holy shit!" Jeongin flinched, hand on his chest, "Where the beep did that old man come from?" yeah... he didn't curse back then.

But Jisung ignored him, "Aren't you bored?"

"Are you seriously asking me that? I love Insidious"

They locked eyes, as the elder pouted, "Innie, don't you wanna go party?"

"I'm 16, dude. My parents won't let me"

"Have some imagination, man. We can perfectly sneak out"

Jeongin chuckled, "Yeah? Enlighten me, how exactly?"

"Having my room on the first floor is like the key to all of this, Innie. You gotta think big, man"

The younger rolled his eyes, still not convinced, "Your parents can still catch us, and I really don't want them calling mine, so I can end up grounded like last time I followed your bad decisions"

"C'moooon" it was the elder's turn to roll his eyes, "Can you have some faith in me? Please"

"Oh, trust me, I might have too much of that. That's the mistake" the black-haired scoffed, adjusting his glasses, "Why do you wanna go anyway?"

"We should be going out, Innie, not staying every night at my place watching horror movies"

"I like doing that"

Jisung felt bad. He really wanted to experience a party first-hand, but he also didn't want to force Jeongin to go if he didn't feel like going. The male was a bit shy and preferred to stay indoors playing games rather than out with strangers. Jisung got him perfectly, he was more of an indoor activities kind of fella. But he was already 17 and seeing how Minho could go out with friends, be invited to a bunch of stuff and even drink, made him feel jealous. Shouldn't all teenagers be experiencing that at his age? Or was he watching too many American TV shows?

Jeongin sighed, defeated by the lost puppy look in his best friend's eyes, "Fine, but I suggest you bribe noona to get us there and pick us up afterwards"

"We can call a cab"

"Right because two teens calling a cab at 11:00p.m. on a Saturday is totally safe. I've watched too many thrillers to get in a cab at this hour!"

"Fineeee" Jisung gave up, "I'll lend you some of my clothes, we're about the same size"

Back then, Jeongin was as tall as Jisung, maybe slightly shorter, so they would often exchange clothes without an issue. The younger got up, going to the bathroom first, so he could at least wash his face, while Jisung had to take a deep breath and get out of his room. His sister was already in Uni, but had decided to come visit the family for the weekend to escape his toxic boyfriend and focus on a few essays she had to deliver on Monday. She wasn't easy to bribe, especially after realising the power she had as the eldest sibling. Which meant, having her two baby brothers as slaves. Jisung knocked softly on her door, and after hearing a 'come in', he opened it and stepped inside the room.

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