ʟᴇꜱꜱᴏɴ 6

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ʟᴇꜱꜱᴏɴ 6
"of secrets and crushes"

The smoke slowly disappears in the thin air, as the male gives his cigarette another long pump, allowing the inside of his mouth, and throat to get filled with the intoxicating nicotine air. Removing the already small cigarette, he lightly parts his lips, letting more smoke come out, as his whole body feels more relaxed, less tired, and heavy.

Yeah, a dirty little habit he has since he started University. Maybe he should switch to vapes, that could make his whole life easier, not having to desperately hide the smell of the nicotine, and having to brush his teeth or chew gum like a psycho.

"You smoke?"

His head snaps to the source of the voice, letting out new smoke he had contained, almost coughing, "Fuck, you scared the shit out of me"

"Sorry" the male gulps, suddenly blushing, "I didn't know you smoke"

"Nobody does" the butt of the cigarette is gently pressed on the stone bench, before the brunette toses it to the nearest trash bin, "You gonna tell?"

"What? No, no, of course not" tho as medicine student, he does have an itching need to scold the life out of the brunette for smoking.

The male chuckles, finding kinda cute how the blond is suddenly so shy, "What? Why you so nervous around me all the time?"

The flustered male bites his inner cheek, observing how the other starts to spray some cologne on himself, trying to hide the traces of his crime. He stands up, looking back the the mute male, and tilting his head to the side,

"Do I smell?" he gets closer, taking some gum from his pocket, and throwing it inside his mouth.

The male leans down a little bit, sniffing, "No, but I like your cologne"

"Yeah?" he smirks back, "Thanks. You could smell it more often if you weren't so afraid to talk to me"

"I swear I'm not afraid!"


"No! In fact, I'd love to walk you to your next class!" he quickly answers, failing on trying to sound chill.

The brunette can't help, but chuckle. How cute, "I've got some time for lunch, so I'm meeting the rest at the cafeteria. Class is in an hour"

"Cool, yeah. I'll definitely come to walk you to class"

As the male tries to turn around, face completely smashed with colour, the brunette stops him, giving him a side smile, as he hands him a piece of paper, apparently ripped from one of his notebooks.

"I've been keeping this until the day you had the guts to talk to me, Hyunjin~ah"

"I-" Hyunjin gulps, reading the paper, "Your- Your number?"

"What? Don't you want to repeat what happened two weeks ago?"

"Seungmin!" Hyunjin blushes horribly.

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