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"of a Halloween special"

"Well, damn" Jeongin grins when Jisung finally turns around, "Who would've thought, blond certainly does look great on you" he drinks the shot of Soju he served himself a few seconds ago. They agreed on getting in the party mood while dressing up, which meant, soju shots to relax.

Jisung touches his newly dyed blond hair, "Are you sure?" he sighs.

Jeongin nods, handing his best friend a glass too, "Yeah. I mean, I always bully you, but it genuinely looks great on you"

"Are you planning on dying your hair again?" Jisung chugs the drink like nothing.

Jeongin twirls his black hair, "Not really, I'll keep it neutral for now. Let my hair rest" another shot goes in for him.

"Black suits you, anyway. Both you and Chan hyung" the younger chuckles, nodding, "Aren't you sad you won't be getting couple costumes for your first Halloween together?"

"Sad?" Jeongin raises one of his pierced eyebrows -yes, he's got both pierced-, "Why?"

"Don't people like that? Going to Halloween parties in couple costumes and such" Jisung slips into some black shorts Jeongin lent him. Then, he pours some more soju into his small glass.

The younger slips into a pair of dark green full-footed tights, "It's a party from people in our University, you know Heongseok hyung will be there" Yang Hongseok, 23, about to graduate from Chemistry and Jeongin's older brother and roommate.

"But going as a fun couple costume means nothing, aren't we doing that already?" they both cling glasses, before shoving down the alcohol.

Jeongin frowns, while looking down at the tights, "Man, this is so uncomfortable" he sighs, "This is different, though, we've been best friends for almost 10 years, and we have done this far too many times for my brother to suspect"

"But he knows I'm gay, doesn't he?" Jisung looks at the t-shirts in his closet, looking for the red one he bought for this.

"No, he doesn't. He just thinks you are girly mannered, he says" Jeongin rolls his eyes while putting on black shorts.

"Girly mannered" Jisung scoffs, "I could take him down anytime, any day"

The black-haired snorts, "Right, go on, try to take down his Taekwondo moves" he shakes his head, reaching for an orange long-sleeved t-shirt.

"I beg your pardon? I might be short, but have you seen these?" Jisung starts posing around his arms, showing off the muscles.

Jeongin is unfazed, "Embarrassing"

"Are you staying at Chan Hyung's tonight?" they continue to dress up, kinda hurrying because of the time.

"I don't think so, Heongseok is starting to get very suspicious of me always staying here at your dorm" the male slips into a pair of fluffy pink slippers.

"Bear with it a little bit more, we'll be gone in January, and it'll be a brother-free year for you"

"It better be" Jeongin mumbles, finishing up some touches on his costume.

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