ʟᴇꜱꜱᴏɴ 23

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ʟᴇꜱꜱᴏɴ 23
"of soju and beer"

"Come on — now. A drink won't hurt" Jeongin shamelessly smirks, pouring some Soju into Hyunjin's empty shot glass.

"You know I'm not much of a drinker" the blond ties his hair in a ponytail, in a rather aggressive way, "I'm such a lightweight, I always end up doing something stupid"

"We're in my room, Hyunjin~ah" Jisung chuckles, "Worst-case scenario, you strip down naked and we laugh"

Hyunjin's whole face reddens, "Yeah, let's stay with the beer instead" he adds, aiming for the can of beer on the table. The only one he's drank since they arrived.

"You'll be fine!" Jeongin smiles, "If you feel a little dizzy, drink water and eat. We got a lot to choose from" he pauses for a second, "If I don't do eat it all first, of course"

And it was true. When Jisung proposed a drinking night with just the three of them, Jeongin's gluttony got rather excited. They stopped at the convenience store for soju and beer. Or that was the idea, but leaving Jeongin all by himself? Huge mistake. The male got several ingredients to cook + 6 different types of ramyeon. Why? Because it's never enough when it comes to food! Now, they have stir-fried ramyeon, beef and spicy ramyeon, dumplings, kimchi, tteokbokki, gimbap and fried chicken -courtesy of Chan-.

Oh, and moreover. On their way out of the convenience store, Jeongin was eating a very yummy Gamja hot dog. His stomach is endless.

"How can you eat so much?" Jisung is baffled by his best friend, who's rolling his eyes at how delicious the stir-friend is.

"Food makes me happy" Jeongin smiles while chewing, chopsticks already on their way to grab a dumpling.

"I mean" Hyunjin chuckles, sipping on his beer, "Everything looks delicious, and you gotta go with what makes you happy, no matter what"

"Yeah, but how come he eats like he's been food-deprived and still has all those muscles? Like, he's got a six-pack and all" Jisung scoffs, offended by life, "I ate noodles one night and woke up blotted, what the fuck-"

Jeongin laughs, loving to see his best friend's misery. They stay focused on the food for a moment, enjoying the delicious taste, drinking their beers and occasionally having a shot of soju, in the name of their adulthood, which has been crappy so far. As Hyunjin and Jeongin engage in a conversation about colour theory, Jisung is left with his own annoying thoughts. His mind is filled with all kinds of things, all kinds of words and scenarios, playing over and over. He takes a long sip of his beer, eyes focused on the tteokbokki in front of him.

What exactly went wrong with the confession? Should have he chosen a better place, perhaps? Was it the way he said it? Or... was it what he said? He confessed to liking someone else, so maybe Jisung wasn't the problem. Ugh. How annoying. How annoying it is to not even know how to feel. Is he angry or sad? Annoyed, that's for sure. But why exactly?! What's making his thoughts so desperate and loud? And what is making him want to drown himself in alcohol to not talk about it out loud?

Unlucky for him, both Jeongin and Hyunjin have different plans.

"Hyung" Jeongin calls for him, chopsticks deep into the kimchi bowl.

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