ʟᴇꜱꜱᴏɴ 20

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ʟᴇꜱꜱᴏɴ 20
"of the aftermath"

Geometry, definitely not the kind of subject Jisung needs right now. Especially with his mind being long up in the clouds. He tries his best to take notes, but the only thing he does is doodle some funny and tiny version of the teacher. It's been over a week, since Minho blurred out about their first kiss, and Jisung still hasn't been able to answer to his calls or texts. Don't get Ji wrong, he isn't angry, he is just confused. He still doesn't understand the thoughts and feelings he's been having, so he'd rather not talk to Minho just now. And it's not just Minho! Gosh, Jeongin also threw quite the bomb too. He likes Felix?! What the hell? Since when? And how come Chan hyung is fine with it?! Gosh! So confusing.

Next to him, Ryujin stares at him with a concerned expression on her face. Sighing, she turns back her attention to the class and makes sure to take extra notes to lend to Jisung later.

Beside Jisung's notebook, his phone vibrates, finally forcing his eyes away from the notebook and to the screen, where Felix's name lights up.

Lixie Pixie
Sungie, are you free tn?
wanna meet and play
some video games???

Sungie bee
bday gift????
yours or mine?? I'm off at 4

Yeah, his little fairy tale with Felix had eased down after their birthday party. They did kiss that night and even shared some intimacy, but the pair still seemed to be acting as friends rather than lovers or friends with benefits. Jisung kinda feels like he's getting the best of both worlds. They can joke around and play video games but also make out and touch the whole night. It's somewhat perfect. But Jisung can't help to crave more. Could they ever date? Would Felix even consider him as a possible lover? He is kind of uncertain and has the feeling that asking could just damage it all.

"Earth to Jisung!" Ryujin waves her hand in front of the male, who quickly breaks out of trance, "Man, the class already ended, and I do wish to arrive in time for the next one, so move that pretty ass of yours"

"Sorry, sorry" Jisung quickly gets up from the chair and gathers his stuff.

"You can take my notes if you need them" the woman stands up too, "And, for heaven's sake, what is going on with you lately? You've been dozing up a bit too much the entire week, man"

"I know, sorry" the male fits his notebook inside his backpack without saying anything else.

Ryujin sighs, reaching for Jisung's newly dark blue hair and gently ruffling it, "You don't have to tell me, but know that I'm always up for a chat. I'd never judge you" she pauses, "Unless you hurt an animal, then you are done"

Jisung finally chuckles, "Thanks, Ry"

Both friends get out of the classroom, walking quickly to get to the next class they share together. On the way, they both discuss the finishing touches on their project, before presenting it next Monday. Outside the campus, a few blocks away, Minho is sitting in the locker room of the café, book in hand and glasses on. His shift starts in 30 minutes, enough time to re-read the last chapter of Korean history for the exam he has this afternoon. The male mumbles some of the words he reads, as his right hand reaches for the iced latte Yuqi made for him. As a way to try to turn up the ugly ass frown he had on his face, she said.

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