ʟᴇꜱꜱᴏɴ 10

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ʟᴇꜱꜱᴏɴ 10
"of requests and struggles"

A loud crash is heard, echoing all over the café, and startling some early customers in the place. The brunette male turns around, sighing at the sight of a shattered green mug with the café's handmade logo all over the floor. It had coffee inside. Minho closes his eyes for a second. His eyes open, looking up at the scared new employee, who looks like she'll cry anytime soon.

"Sunghoon, please bring the broom and mop" he tells his other co-worker, who nods, and turns around to get inside one of the dark wooden doors, "Alright, please be careful, do not pick up anything or you might cut yourself"

"I'm so sorry"

"It's okay" Minho gives her a reassuring smile, "Even Sunghoon, Yuqi and I made mistakes in our first month, those things happen"

"I've been here for almost two months, Oppa" she really seems anxious, which Minho can understand. He sighs, kneeling down to pick up the big mug pieces, "Let me-"

"No, Eunchae" he stops her from kneeling down, "You could hurt yourself. Go organise the pastries, okay? You are great with that"

Eunchae bites her inner cheek, giving her elder a 90° bow, before murmuring a small Sorry, and going to the pastry section to continue Sunghoon's labor. The tall male returns with everything needed to clean up the small mess, taking the trash bin near Minho, so he can throw the mug pieces.

"You are too soft with the newbies, hyung" Sunghoon comments, not loving the fact that he's now helping clean up the mess, "You gotta me ruthless to toughen them up"

"This isn't the military, kid. She's only 16. She's doing this part-time so she can help her grandparents pay off her university" Minho starts to clean up the spilled coffee, "Eunchae is really good with the costumers, she's very nice, and always tries her best. Even promotes the new products"

Sunghoon nods, agreeing, "If she keeps on breaking mugs, and plates, she won't have enough to save up for Uni"

"I'll pay this one"

"Don't be like that, hyung" the younger sighs, "Like you don't have enough shit to pay" he stands up.

"I know, but one mug won't hurt" Minho stands up too, "Can you help me finish? Just clean up the small pieces, mop, and you can go to your breakfast break, yeah?"

Sunghoon stares at Minho, chuckling, "Are you gonna be this soft with the newbie?"

Minho arches an eyebrow, "What?"

"He's late, an hour late"

The male turns around, eyes gluing to the clock hanging on the wall, "Where the fuck are you, kid?" he growls, getting worked up.

As if someone had heard him, the door swings open, revealing a sweaty, and breathless Giwook, who's carrying his bass behind his back, and holding his backpack for dear life. Minho frowns, getting off the counter, changing to a smiley face to greet the costumers eating, but turning back to rage mode when his eyes land on his baby brother.

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