ʟᴇꜱꜱᴏɴ 9

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ʟᴇꜱꜱᴏɴ 9
"of confusion and mind games"

"So, we gotta do a chair, and I was thinking" Ryujin begins, turning her laptop on, "I know august is barely ending, but how about some Halloween creepy-looking chair"

Jisung takes his sketchbook out, "Like some crawling chair?"

The girl gasps, "A monster under the bed kind of chair!"

"Oooooh!" Jisung's eyes sparkle, "But it still has to be comfortable for people to sit on it"

"Of course, we gotta keep that in mind"

As Ryujin logs into her laptop to look for reference pictures, Jisung opens his sketchbook, and unlocks his phone, also trying to search for some material. When he takes his pencil out to sketch a normal kind of chair, his brain pretty much turns off. With the pencil in hand, and a dot on the paper, his mind surfs back to the events of Friday night.

Ever since then, he hasn't talked to anyone yet. Everyone reported they got home, some earlier than others, but they were all safe when Jisung finally fell asleep. He ignored Felix's and Minho's messages until this morning, trying to act cool, saying he was busy with some Uni projects.

Bullshit, he didn't do shit the whole weekend. He was too conflicted to even shower on Sunday.

"Hey, Ryujin~ah"

"Hm?" the girl doesn't look at him, she keeps her eyes on the screen, but slightly moves her head towards his direction, indicating she's paying attention.

"What do you think of Lee Minho?"

She stops for a second, trying to recall the students' faces, "Lee Minho..." she hums, thinking "Is that the Law mayor you always hang around with?"


"Oh, he's pretty chill" her answer is simple, but not enough for Jisung.

"You think he's attractive?"

Ryujin eyes her classmate, "You trying to pair me up with him or what?"

"Just doing some research" he acts as if nothing were going on, but the girl has known him enough to know he's lying.

"I mean, he is. Doubt anyone could deny he's got good features" she says, "Yeji unnie says he's got a great face to sculpt, but he always refuses to model for her class"

"Oh, yeah, he feels uncomfortable with too many eyes on him" Jisung nods, remembering their high school days, when Minho would avoid at all costs having to talk in front of everyone in presentations or student assemblies.

"Ironic, huh?" Jisung arches an eyebrow, "What? Don't you know many still gossip about him?"

"Of course I do, Ryu. My friends are aunties obsessed with gossip, I know everything"

teach me 2.0 | Minsung   ♥︎Where stories live. Discover now