ʟᴇꜱꜱᴏɴ 11 ᴘᴛ. 2

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ʟᴇꜱꜱᴏɴ 11 ᴘᴛ. 2
"of prepping and fears"

God, I don't even know if you truly exist, but thank you for creating this masterpiece.

Minho can't even comprehend what's going on in his brain. He's always known how pretty Jisung is, but the further the lessons go, the more his brain melts. He isn't even sure anymore about how he sees Jisung. Well, Minho knows for sure he'll always see him as his best pal, the one he's been besties with for almost 6 years. But, what's this annoying feeling bothering him?

Is it desire?

I mean, his cock is pretty damn hard at the sight of Jisung's opened legs.

Desire ✔️



Lust ✔️

So that must be it, right?

"I think I'm gonna enjoy this lesson a little bit too much" he confesses, shamelessly staring at the beautiful slim body laying on the bed.

Jisung is obviously ashamed, cheeks tinted red, hands already shaking, and heart probably stumping inside his chest, ready to break free and run away from this awkward situation. Minho grins, laying next to the male, and placing his left hand on top of his soft tummy. There are some faint stretch marks there, from the hormone problem Jisung had as a kid, and which led him to weight a bit too much for his short height. A dark moment in his life he'd rather never talk about ever again.

"You're gorgeous" Minho makes sure to compliment him, hand roaming all over the torso, "Where can I touch you?"

Jisung shivers at the whisper. Why is he being so gentle? It truly feels as if he were about to lose his virginity tonight, and with him -Minho- of all people.

"Just-" the male gulps, "Anywhere" he doesn't dare to make eye contact.

"If you look at me, I will"

"You know I can't"

"Just a moment ago you were scolding me, and acting all mighty" Minho smirks, hand going up, reaching for the nipples to gently caress them.

Jisung lowly moans, "I was the one in control then, but now I am not" he breaths out, hand gripping on the sheets.

"You have the control, sweetheart"

Jisung turns his head, locking eyes with Minho, and realising how awfully close their faces are. But none of them move away. Their lips are inches away, their noses are about to touch, and none of them seem to care. Minho smiles at him, face getting closer to gently give the cheek a chaste kiss. Damn, he wishes it were on the lips, but Jisung made it clear that won't ever happen.

So, teasing and getting close to the lips won't hurt, right?

Another soft kiss lands closer to the lips, as the naughty fingers rub the already hard nipple. Jisung breaths out, feeling somewhat lighter. Why is he liking Minho's touch so much tonight? His body is burning up, his cock is hard as a rock, his heart is running fast inside his chest, about to break free from the teasing coming from the elder.

teach me 2.0 | Minsung   ♥︎Where stories live. Discover now