ʟᴇꜱꜱᴏɴ 21

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ʟᴇꜱꜱᴏɴ 21
"of overthinking"

Their lips crash aggressively, devouring one another with desire. Their tongues meet midway, savouring each other's company with fervour, as their bodies burn with heat. The elder's hands roam all over his boyfriend's torso, caressing the sides and lowering the hand to harshly squeeze the butt. The younger swallows a moan, eyes rolling backwards and legs opening to allow the other male to lay down between them. It feels wonderful. It's been ages since they could have some alone time in the elder's flat. The kiss deepens even more, throwing them over the edge of their desperate need. Their crotches rub against one another, allowing them some relief, but not enough. The heat and desperation build up, bodies so close that not even air can get between them.

The moment is abruptly interrupted by the sound of the elder's phone.

He groans, "No! Not now!" he shouts to his phone.

The younger chuckles, "Of course it was your phone"

"I don't want to stop" the black-haired whines, hugging his boyfriend again and burying his face in the male's neck.

"Chris, it's alright, come on" Jeongin gently rubs the elder's back, "It must be work-related"

"There's a reason I got the day off, nugget" Chan whines, moving away from his boyfriend, "I wanted the whole day with you without interruptions. I even asked you to skip classes" the last sentence comes out with awful guilt lingering on the male's voice. Jeongin chuckles again, finding the action quite adorable.

They both sit on the bed, still feeling their bodies hot from the make-out session. Chan reaches for his phone, cursing under his breath, which only tells Jeongin that he was right about the work-related thing. The younger watches his boyfriend angrily type on his phone, clearly not happy with the cock-block. His eyes shamelessly scan the man. Chan's black hair is a little messed up, but still looks adorable with his natural curls. His pierced eyebrow gives him a bit of a badass vibe, even though he's the sweetest man alive. His pale skin always gives away the blush on his cheeks or ears, a thing Jeongin deeply loves. The plump lips, oh my. Jeongin's biggest weakness. Tracing down his firm jawline, his neck, his exposed collarbones and his chest. His muscled arms and defined abs. Even the small unnoticed freckles on his stomach. Jeongin loves every inch of his boyfriend. And unlike the cool, punk, and free persona he portrays, Jeongin cannot think of the day he'll have to break up with Chan. It scares him shitless to lose the only person who's ever truly loved him, all flaws included. Some hot tears make his eyes itch, but the male quickly blinks, not wanting to cry again.

Moving to Canada has always been his dream. Changing scenarios, studying abroad, making use of all the fucking years of English he went through and starting fresh. But he can't ask Chan to follow him there. The male is making a life for himself in Seoul. And as dumb as it'd be to follow your Uni boyfriend to another country, Jeongin knows Chan would do it. He wouldn't think twice. Their relationship has an expiration date, both of them know it, but never dare to talk about it. So, when Jeongin brought Felix to the conversation, admitting his weird feelings for the male, he expected Chan to break up with him, to leave him for being a cheater.

But he didn't.

Chan understood and even considered them to have a poly or open relationship if both wanted to. Jeongin sighs, tilting his head to the side while his eyes are still fixed on his boyfriend. Are you also that in love, Hyung? Are you also afraid to break up?

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