ʟᴇꜱꜱᴏɴ 12

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ʟᴇꜱꜱᴏɴ 12
"of friends and future plans"

Minho grunts, stretching his back, and sitting on the bench, tired. Hyunjin sits beside him, but the brunette doesn't seem to notice him. He starts to slowly put on his white socks, thinking about the Animal Rights book waiting for him at home. Probably the best subject so far. He sighs, sitting there, kinda lost in thought, with his eyes digging holes in the lockers in front of him.

Hyunjin eyes Minho again, looking kinda worried, "You okay, hyung?"

But Minho doesn't answer, his mind is long gone.


Before Hyunjin can touch Minho's shoulder, another guy from the team startles them, "Hey, guys!"

Unlike Hyunjin, who almost falls off the bench, Minho just looks up, "Sunbaenim" he lightly bows.

"Sunbae- What? How many times, Lee? Jackson hyung is fine" the male grins, "Just because I'm a graduate, doesn't mean you have to be all polite"

Minho nods, "I know, but I like calling you Sunbae" he grins, "Don't you?"

Jackson slowly blinks, feeling his cheeks suddenly burn, "You really are a flirt, aren't you? And I thought I was good" the brunette chuckles.

"What can we do for you, sunbae?"

The eldest grins, "You guys have been working hard, so I thought I should throw something casual at my place. For the team, and well, whoever you wanna come along with"

"A party?" Hyunjin arches an eyebrow, "You gonna let those smelly asses into your pretty loft?"

"C'mon, Jinnie" Jackson flashes him a smile, forcing a bright colour on the long-haired's cheeks, "It's just to chill, won't be that big. I think you guys deserve it"

"Us? Or you for having to take our disorganised selfs every damn day?" Minho grins back, playfully.

"Well, I did accept the coach substitute position, so I got myself into this. But, yeah, it's mostly for me to chill"

The younger males chuckle, "Alright, we'll be there then" Minho nods, "Thanks"

"No problem, man. Remember to invite people" Jackson walks away.

"People? As in chicks?" Hyunjin scoffs, "If I had girl friends, maybe"

"You don't? But you are a pretty boy, girls love those" Minho teases, while finishing to tie his shoes.

The blond rolls his eyes, putting his t-shirt on, "Girls love those, yeah. Have you ever seen me talking to a girl?"

"You blush, and stare at them in horror?"

"I blush a lot, yeah. I used to stare in horror back in school, but now I just mumble"

teach me 2.0 | Minsung   ♥︎Where stories live. Discover now