ʟᴇꜱꜱᴏɴ 5

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ʟᴇꜱꜱᴏɴ 5
"of touches and moans"

"You smell so good, Hannie~" Minho compliments the younger, as he leaves small wet kisses on the neck, and collarbones, "Like honey"

Jisung answers in a low moan, cold air hitting his exposed chest like a whip. His own hands roam all over Minho's naked torso, liking how his muscles tense whenever he moves, liking the idea to ruin his back with his nails. His cheeks tint a beautiful cherry red with the last thought. What are you thinking about, Jisung? No! You dirty...

"What's on your mind, pretty thing?"

"Felix" Jisung says quickly, lying right away.

His mind is actually filled with horny shit, but having his best friend touching his body is embarrassing enough. Boy doesn't wanna dig a deeper hole for his dignity.

Minho snorts, "Of course he is", he takes off his own t-shirt, "Then, moan louder every time he comes to mind"

"Doesn't it bother you?"

"A bit? But we did agree on doing all of these so you repeat it with Lix, so I can't object on that"

"I-I'll still say your name" what a cute attempt of making the elder feel better. Adorable.

Minho smirks, "Good boy, buttercup" planting a chaste kiss on Jisung's tip of the nose.

Those fucking nicknames are gonna be dead to me. Lix better like them. Jisung sighs.

"I don't know if Felix is into degradation or prising, but you can always test the waters, ask him, or just go with the flow" teacher Minho comes out, as his lips lower down to the nipples.

"Got it" the younger quickly brushes it off.

"You ready for what you asked for?" Minho asks more to himself than to Jisung, who seems eager.

The male moves away, comfortably laying his back on the bed, and gently hitting his own thighs, gesturing Jisung to hop on top. The male frowns, quite confused, but still does as he's told. Minho quickly disposes his t-shirt, throwing it to the floor, and grinning at Jisung, when he catches him trying not to stare.

"You can stare, Hannie. I give you permission to do so"

Jisung bites his inner lower lip, eyes moving from the ceiling, to the wall, and then, to Minho, "Alright"

Unconsciously, he ends up gulping, as his eyes devour every inch of the male's chest and torso. His skin is a bit tanned, but not too much. His nipples aren't pink like Felix's, they are rather darker, but Jisung doesn't mind that. The scar embracing the skin right underneath the chest still looks a bit big, despite been made way too many years ago. Jisung's hand aim for the scar, gently touching it, tracing it, as Minho's body stiffens under the soft touch.

He doesn't like people touching his scar, but it's Jisung so it should be alright, right? They've been best friends for a while now.

Jisung's fingers slowly make their way up, tracing the muscular chest, getting closer to the right nipple, drawing imaginary circles around it, and making Minho unconsciously retreat his own chest, pushing it downwards at the weird sensation.

teach me 2.0 | Minsung   ♥︎Where stories live. Discover now