ʟᴇꜱꜱᴏɴ 7

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ʟᴇꜱꜱᴏɴ 7
"of arousal and pecks"

Jisung ruffles his newly dyed silver hair, trying hard to organise his bangs, but failing miserably. He huffs, tired of it, and just continue his walk to the University's garden to meet everyone. As he fixes his round glasses, a sudden yawn makes its way, remembering him he slept like three hours due to an awful assignment he had to deliver in his first class of the day. Freaking geometry.

Dumb of him to assume he was gonna be maths free while studying interior design.

"Hey, Sung!" someone calls, making the male stop his steps, and turn around.

"Hey" he smiles.

A short-haired girl fist-bumps him, "You walk pretty fast"

"Sorry" Jisung chuckles, "What's up?"

"Do you have a partner for the 3D Lab class?" she wonders.

"Ah, fuck. I knew I was forgetting something" Jisung whines. His thumb and index finger sneak beneath the glasses to press his closed eyes, as if he were trying to take his frustration out.

The girl chuckles, "Well, we already share a hair colour, why not a class project?"

Jisung chuckles too, "Can I call you twin for the rest of the career?"

"Do you wanna die?"

"Ah, Ryujin~aaaah" the male whines, when the girl hits his arm playfully.

"Just for the rest of the semester"

"Twin and sis" Jisung tries to sweeten her with a bright smile, only to earn a disgusted face in return.

"Whatever" Ryujin rolls her eyes, "Text you to meet up for the project, okay?" she smiles.

"Please do, I'll end up forgetting"

She nods, chuckling, "I know, not my first rodeo as your class partner"

"Hey, you gonna do something tonight?"

Ryujin thinks for a moment, "I don't think so, why?"

Jisung quickly opens his backpack, taking out a flyer from in between his notebooks, and hands it to her, "Here. A friend's band is playing tonight, hope to see you there"

The girl nods, smiling, "I'll definitely ask the girls"


"By the way, nice nails" Ryujin compliments, giving him a grin.

Jisung smiles back, looking down at his own hands, dark nail polish making them look awesome.

After saying their goodbyes, the male jogs to the garden, already seeing from afar his group of friends talking about who knows what. Minho chuckles, seeing Hyunjin's red cheeks as Seungmin says hi to him. Felix is still giggling, pinching Jeongin's cheek to tease him for Chan's sudden appearance in the campus.

teach me 2.0 | Minsung   ♥︎Where stories live. Discover now