ʟᴇꜱꜱᴏɴ 17

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Got the chapter deleted, but was able to get it back thanks to @LinoWasFound and @Kiri_Days !! You guys can request any damn bonus chapter you want!!!!!! (ᗒᗣᗕ)՞

ʟᴇꜱꜱᴏɴ 17
"of a cherry pop and fuzzy feelings"

Birthdays. When you are a kid, your birthdays turn into the best thing in the whole world. Gifts, cake, a bunch of friends over to spend the day, games, and an entire day to feel spoiled. As you grow up, they lose their spark and just end up being like any other day of the year. At least, that's how it is for Jisung. Some happy birthdays from classmates, even teachers and, of course, his family. Nothing special.

"Just eat it before I regret my life choices" an annoyed and embarrassed Seungmin says, looking away with his arms folded on top of his chest.

"Ah, Seungmo~" Jisung fakes a high-pitched giggle, eyes fixed on the delicious pancake tower in front of him. They look extra fluffy and extra yummy with that syrup and banana all over, "You didn't have to cook for me, you little softie" he teases.

Seungmin rolls his eyes backwards in the most dramatic and annoyed way, "And I'm never doing it again, trust me"

Minho chuckles, "Hope I get special treatment on my birthday too" he nicely cuts a piece of pancake to feed Jisung, who demanded to be fed like a little kid.

"Can I get breakfast too?" Felix pouts at his beloved best friend, who makes a disgusted face, but still reluctantly nods, "Yay!" the red-haired celebrates.

"Hey, birthday kid" Hyunjin appears with a green apple in hand and his pretty long hair tied up, "Ran into the baby Han and gave me this for you" he hands Jisung a mini cheesecake with a chocolate heart on top.

"Hyeonjunnie" Jisung whines dramatically, making his friends chuckle "He's so cute!"

"Gonna share?" Hyunjin's eyes shine looking at the dessert, "I brought it all the way from the music department"

"What were you doing there?"

"Flirting, probably" Seungmin comments with a teasing smile, forcing a red colour on Hyunjin's cheeks.

Hyunjin ends up being forced to sit down and gossip with the rest of the group. A normal morning like any other, the only difference is Minho feeding Jisung. Well, there is one more thing. When Jisung ran into Felix earlier in the morning, both friends shared a warm hug, as the freckled one wished the other happy birthday. Jisung only smiled, allowing the male to hug him dearly, and getting drunk with the sweet aroma of his crush's shampoo. Ever since that encounter, both males have been staring at each other in secret, stealing glances here and there, getting their cheeks flushed and their hearts racing.

It's not even half of the day, and they are already doomed.

Nothing major happens the rest of the day, a few classes and projects Jisung wishes not to do -though he'll still do them, and most likely get a 100% mark on them-. And some small gifts from Ryujin, Giwook and even Chris. Surprisingly, the day goes by awfully slowly, and Jisung feels like it's never gonna end. But when it finally does, the male starts to panic horribly. The night only means he's about to lose his fucking virginity to his biggest crush. Man is about to fucking make out and HAVE SEX!!

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