ʟᴇꜱꜱᴏɴ 3

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ʟᴇꜱꜱᴏɴ 3
"of sensitivity and pink nipples"

The dark-haired breathes heavily, chest going up, and down erratically, as his body lays on the floor like a long forgotten candy wrap. The basketball game is slowly killing him, his body can't take it anymore. He groans lowly, remembering he signed to be part of the swimming team, in order to keep himself in shape and active, while his brain slowly melts with Law lectures.

At this rate, he might just pass out.

"Hyung" a tall male approaches him, blond hair tied up, "You want a Gatorade? Looks like you're gonna die. You look paler than Chan hyung, man"

Minho wants to laugh, but everything hurts, "Please, Hwang. A red one"

The Hwang male nods, turning around and rushing outside the basketball court, and leaving a tired Minho behind, as his eyes stare at the ceiling. But his attention is quickly taken away, when loud giggles force him out of his thoughts. He turns his head around, resting his body on his forearms to look better at whatever took him out of his thoughts. There, at the bleachers, he notices Jisung and Felix talking with someone, while Seungmin is rolling his eyes at his big brother, who's also playing in the basketball game.


Minho looks up, where Hyunjin is handing him a Gatorade, "Thanks, man. I owe you one"

The tall male offers Minho his hand to help him stand up, thing the elder definitely accepts. Standing up from the cold floor with a groan, feeling like an old man.

"Cool, pay me then" Hyunjin takes his hand out, wide open, and ready to receive some money.

The elder stops for a second, mid-way to open his precious Gatorade, "I can pay you with sweat, because I'm damn broke"

"Why do I have poor friends" the male whines, defeated, "Answer me something then"

"Shoot" Minho arches an eyebrow, waiting for the answer as the red liquid finally washes his taste buds, sending a refreshing and cold feeling down his throat.

"Has-" Hyunjin clears his throat, cheeks visibly red, "Has Seungmin asked or said anything about me lately?"

"What?" Minho chuckles.

"I mean, like-" the nervousness is obvious, "Like maybe mention my name"

Minho lowers down the bottle, wiping away some drops from the corner of his lips, and analysing his friend's facial expression. He looks quite shy, and sad. He knows why. He sighs, hand landing on Hyunjin's shoulder to pat him, "Maybe, but I don't really recall"

"I see"

"Have you tried walking him to classes? Or do some of those romantic shits you see on the Kdramas you force me to watch with you"

Hyunjin chuckles, "You love them"

"I'm never admitting that"

teach me 2.0 | Minsung   ♥︎Where stories live. Discover now