ʟᴇꜱꜱᴏɴ 18

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ʟᴇꜱꜱᴏɴ 18
"of a messy night"

The night falls, and Jisung finds himself half naked in front of Jeongin, who's chewing cherry gum while giving his best friend the stinky eye. They've been inside the room for 2 hours and Jisung still doesn't know what to wear for his birthday celebration. Should he go casual? Or maybe a bit formal but not too formal? A jacket? What would Felix like for him to wear?

That one last question is Jeongin's biggest problem. His best friend should be dressing up for himself, not for someone else. It's his freaking birthday party, after all! Yeah, sure, he can try to look nice for someone. Nothing wrong with it, but not to the point where you've got all your god-damn closet out and still feel like crying because that other someone might not like it. No! That's not how it should work!

"For the damn 30th time in the last 2 hours," the younger takes a deep breath, "You look fucking hot in anything, so please, just put on some clothes!"

"Jeongin~ah, when was the last time you dressed up for Chris hyung?" Jisung arches an eyebrow, feeling the romance slowly fade away inside his best friend.

Jeongin smirks shamelessly, "Wouldn't you like to know"

Jisung slightly frowns, before widening his eyes like plates, "Dude, no!" he screams, "Don't put disgusting sex shit inside my brain!"

The black-haired chuckles devilish, "You asked"

"I meant like to look nice, maybe on a date or something"

"What's wrong with my normal attire?" he genuinely wonders, all dressed up in black, with all his now 10 piercings on and his tattoos decorating his gorgeous fair skin. Jisung gives him a side eye, making the male chuckle, "I can dress up nicely for a special occasion, but I put on clothes I like and feel comfortable in"

"So, you don't try to impress him?"

"It's not that" Jeongin stands up from the bed, reaching for a few pieces of cloth from the floor, "At first I did, and every so often I still do. I just try to prioritise how I feel wearing them" he hands them to Jisung, "Hyung doesn't care what I wear, he says I always look stunning in everything" a faint smile decorates the male's face.

"Can I marry hyung?"

Jeongin shrugs, laughing, "Go ahead, I'm sure he'll make an exceptional husband one day" the male returns to the bed.

Jisung looks down at his hands, staring at the clothes the design student just handed him. He ends up wearing what Jeongin chose, a pair of loose beige pants, a black shirt with its sleeves rolled up and a few undone buttons -giving a nice peek at his firm chest-. He also decided to wear some thin necklaces his mum once gifted him. Jisung looks pretty decent with his hair combed. Kinda feels like an adult and all. Jeongin is not left behind, wearing similar pants but in a grey tone, a white shirt with a black jumper on and his usual classic Vans to go to.

"Make sure to have lots of fun tonight, hyung" the black-haired smiles at his best friend.

"I will"

"And, please spare me the details of how the night ends" Jeongin starts to walk away, leaving an embarrassed Jisung behind.

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