ʟᴇꜱꜱᴏɴ 24

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ʟᴇꜱꜱᴏɴ 24
"of Minho's birthday"

October 25th is the only day in the year in which Minho wishes to disappear. It's not like he doesn't like the idea of getting one year older. What he dislikes is the awfully annoying attention from everyone, even from those he's barely spoken to once or twice. Since he got older and had to move out, Minho focused his days on studying and working. He got as many part-times as he could as soon as he turned 18 and is now stable enough to move to a new place. Well, kind of stable. Giwook's income helps, but there are still many things that worry the male. His small spare time is usually spent on his friends or swimming practices since the water is a relaxing therapy for him. But beyond that? Nothing. Work, work, work.

Currently, he's at the park near his university, doing his other part-time job. This one in particular requires him more spontaneously than the others, but he still nails it perfectly. It wouldn't be Minho if he didn't do everything even better than he's supposed to.

The brunette is sitting on the floor while braiding the pretty long and dark hair of a 6-year-old. Next to him, a sulking 7-year-old tries to do his homework, but miserably fails as his eyes always end up diverting to the kids playing and running around.

"Hyung!" the kid whines, "I want to play too!" he cries out.

"I told you, Yujin. You have to finish your homework first if you wish to go play with your friends"

"But this is too hard!"

Minho eyes the book for a second, before chuckling, "Maths aren't that bad" bullshit, he hates them, "Want me to help you?"

The kid tilts his head to the side, "Please?"

Minho smiles, finishing the braid and feeling the small child fall backwards, fully asleep. He gently takes her in his arms, allowing her to sleep more comfortably, before moving his attention back to the 7-year-old.

"Alright, additions aren't that bad" the elder mumbles to himself, glad he hasn't had to take care of a teenager with their fucking algebra. What's the use of it in the real world anyway?!

Minho patiently teaches Yujin, as the kid pays full attention. They are both sitting on the floor and using the bench as a table, just because the kids sat there first, and Minho ended up following them. Yujin gasps when he's able to make an operation for himself, clapping with his tiny hands and quickly finishing the rest. As soon as he's done, his eyes shine brightly like little stars,

"Hyung, can I play now?"

"Alright" Minho smiles, reaching for the kid's head and gently patting it, "Be careful"

"Can I play too?" Haram is looking up at him, while still snuggling in his arms.

The brunette melts at the site of her pretty rosy cheeks. She's just too adorable, "But Oppa is coming with you, okay?"

Unlike Yujin, Haram is shyer and quieter, so Minho takes extra care to not leave her alone, in case another kid tries to pick up on her. Bullying has no age, and kids are especially brutal. Luckily, Yujin is very aware and also steps up to defend his little sister. Minho follows the kids to the playground, running with them to different spots and trying not to laugh when Yujin falls and pretends nothing happened. They remind him of himself and Giwook.

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