ʟᴇꜱꜱᴏɴ 13

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ʟᴇꜱꜱᴏɴ 13
"of mixed feelings and simple confessions"

"So, how was Jeongin?" Minho wonders, setting a cup of ramen with two boiled eggs, in front of Jisung. He turns around, going for his own cup.

"Sleepless" the younger answers, taking his stainless steel chopsticks, "He survives out of black coffee, and piercings. Did you know he's gonna get his lip pierced? That gotta hurt!"

"Giwook says it doesn't" Minho sits in front of Jisung, "He cried getting the nose one, but I wouldn't truly know. I haven't even gotten the normal earlobe ones"

"You still got the eyebrow one!" the elder hums, almost forgetting his only piece of jewellery.

"And it didn't hurt much"

Jisung nods, smiling, "But you totally should get the earlobes ones! We could have matching earrings!" the excitement on his face, is quite adorable for Minho, who simply smiles.

"I'll think about it"

"So, the party last night. How bad it was?"

Minho arches his pierced eyebrow, "Bad? Why do you assume it was bad?"

"I wasn't there, it must've been freaking boring"

The elder chuckles, "It was good. Had couple of drinks, talked with hyung, watched the blondie (Hyunjin) crumble to the pressure of having a pretty girl hit on him, saw two people making out in the most disgusting way, and I don't think I ever saw Seungmin roll his eyes so much... too many jocks for his liking" he hums, "It wasn't that bad"

"You didn't hit on anyone?"

"I never said that"

Jisung rolls his eyes, "'Course you hit on someone, you flirt"

"Well, there are many pretty people in the world, Hanji. Flirting doesn't hurt" he smirks, "Saw your little fairy there, too"

"Felix was there?" Jisung's eyes widen, "And you didn't tell me?! I would've gotten there so fucking fast, I swear-"

The brunette lets out a scoff, "Please, you wouldn't have liked it. He had Hyunjin's brother attention the whole night. They were flirting back and forth. Even Jackson sunbae flirted with him" he scoffs, "Boy is a magnet, everyone likes him"

"You don't say" Jisung stuffs some of the ramen into his mouth, as he thinks, "I wanna flirt openly with him too" he pouts, cheeks full and big.

The elder stares at him attentively, trying to suppress the urge to gently poke his best friend's cheek, "Won't you sleep with him for your birthdays?" a soft smile is drawn on his lips, "You'll get him all for yourself"

"For a night" Jisung sighs, "Only for a night"

The whole friends with benefits thingy hasn't really blossomed beyond flirty texts. The closer his birthday date gets, the more concerns start to fill his head. Maybe he should try and make a pass on Felix tomorrow? Try and kiss him when they get a moment alone? Or would it be too much? Maybe... maybe take the text flirting further? But, are nudes okay? Can he even ask for that?!

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