ʟᴇꜱꜱᴏɴ 16 ᴘᴛ. 1

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ʟᴇꜱꜱᴏɴ 16 ᴘᴛ. 1
"of parents and surprises"

"See? It wasn't that bad!" Giwook smirks, looking back at his hyung, as they both get out of the tattoo shop he usually frequents with Jeongin, "It didn't fall off"

"What if it does?!"

The dark blue haired snorts, "It won't, stop being so dramatic about it. You just got a small jewellery piece on it"

The elder gasps, "Dramatic?! I got my nose pierced! My parents are gonna hang me from it!" he whines, "Why did I agree to do this?"

"Because you are lame" Jeongin casually slides in, eyes on his phone as he sends a quick text to someone, "And you want to pretend you are cool in front of you crush even though you are turning 21, not 14"

Giwook hits Jeongin on the head, "You wanna make him cry and have Minho hyung beating our asses?"

But Jeongin shrugs, sliding his phone inside his pocket, "I'm the best friend, I have to be honest when he does lame shit"

Jisung glares at him, "Thank God you are not my brother, what kind of mischief would you pull?"

The younger mischievously smirks, "Wanna play brothers and see how much of a Hell I can put you through?"

Giwook rolls his eyes backwards, shaking his head in annoyance, "Get a room, you two"

They keep on walking while bickering, Jisung whining all the way, Giwook giving him tips about cleaning and taking care of his new piercing, and Jeongin faintly grinning at the cute chubby cat sticker he just got in a text. Giwook is the one who opens the door of the café, chuckling at how traumatised Jisung looks after he told him that blowing his nose is gonna hurt him. What an unlucky moment to be allergic.

"My mum is gonna hang me" whines Jisung again.

"Oh, dear. What did you do this time?"

The male flinches at the honey-like voice, he looks up, where a more gorgeous and feminine version of himself is standing with her head tilted to the side and her big brown eyes staring back at him. She's dressed up in a pretty pink flower dress, looking all young and beautiful as always, with her long straight and black hair down.

"Mummy?" Jeongin and Giwook hold back a laugh,  "What are you doing here?"

"Oh, can't a mother visit her middle child?" she smiles brightly, immediately forcing a crimson red on both Jeongin and Giwook's cheeks.

"You came looking for Jun, didn't you?" Jisung scoffs, rolling his eyes. Of course she came to visit the youngest child, "Hyeongjun is in class, mum. He gets out at 4, and goes to band practice til around 7"

"Oh" she giggles, hiding her lips with her pretty and perfect hand, "You know baby Jun's schedule"

"We have dinner together at least three times a week or he starts sulking, so yeah"

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