Chapter 1: Good Morning

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Late August 2014

"Good Morning, Tony, Captain Rogers." Annie said, looking up from behind the kitchen island as the two men walked in with a stranger trailing behind.

"Annie, please, I've told you you can call me Steve." He said, smiling as he walked over to the cheerful redhead making breakfast.

"Sorry Ca- Steve, force of habit," Annie said as she shrugged and moved to wash her hands off. "We taking in more strays?" She asked, looking past the Captain at the tall man with shoulder-length dark hair. She watched as his eyes flitted about the room taking in every piece of information about his surroundings, looking for danger and planning a way out if needed. It had been a very, very long time, but she could relate to that feeling.

"Yes, Annie, I'd like you to meet Bucky. He will be staying here at the compound, can you get him set up with a room?"

"Absolutely," Annie said, drying her hands as she walked toward them. "I'm Annie, it's so nice to meet you." She stuck her hand out and put on what she hoped was a welcoming smile. She knew who the man standing in front of her was. She had heard about the Winter Soldier, how he had attacked Sam, Nat, and the Captain, him being a brainwashed Hydra weapon. She also knew what he meant to Captain Rogers so she wanted him to feel comfortable here. Bucky shook her hand tentatively and just nodded. Annie walked back to the counter and shooed Tony away from picking at the fresh-cut fruit by pushing a bowl into his hands. "Don't put your fingers all over that, who knows where they have been! Use a spoon and a bowl like a well-mannered human."

"You know I pay for all this food right? I can finger it up all I want." Tony replied winking but took the serving spoon and bowl she offered.

Annie rolled her eyes and looked back at the soldiers. "Well, Bucky, you've got options. Right now there is a room open on the second floor between Thor and Barton, who only occasionally stop by. That is also where Dr. Banner, Nat, and Captain Rogers stay but they took all the rooms with nice views. Or you can take your pick from the 5 empty ones on this floor with me, which I highly suggest because of the proximity to snacks and distance from Nat's shower concerts." She said, trying to joke a little to put the clearly on edge Bucky at ease while she started cracking eggs into a pan on the stove.

"I'll take one down here. Doesn't matter which." He replied softly, noting the disappointed look on Steve's face as he did.

'"Alrighty, do you have a preference on a view? I can put you under Captain Rogers, that side of the hall looks out over the pool and pond and he is the quietest in the mornings so he's not likely to wake you." She asked looking over her shoulder while pulling plates from the cupboard.

"Yeah, that sounds fine," Bucky replied as he watched the smiling woman flip the eggs in the pan then grab the plates and fruit and begin to walk it towards the table where it looked like silverware, toast, some meats, and several drinks already sat.

"Okay, well I'm just about done with breakfast. I can go set up a room for you right after. Capt-" She stopped when she noticed the Captain's look. "Steve, your shake is in the fridge. Nat should be in from her run any minute and Dr. Banner." She paused again and looked towards the far hall. "Is walking in right now. Good morning, Dr. Banner. Your eggs should be done, just let me grab them." She walked back to the stove, plated the eggs, and handed them to him with a warm smile. "Your coffee is already on the table." She told the Doctor as he took the plate returning her smile shyly and shuffling his way to sit. "So, Bucky, if you want to join the others I can get your room set up while you eat. Would you like eggs?" She turned looking at him questioningly.

Bucky looked at the table where Stark and Banner were loading their plates and then to Steve who smiled as he moved towards the refrigerator and said, "C'mon, Buck, sit down and eat, breakfast is Annie's specialty."

"If you think breakfast is my specialty why do you insist on a protein shake?" Annie quipped as she wiped down the counters.

"Because if I ate your breakfast every day I wouldn't be able to fit into my suit!" He replied, reaching into the fridge and pulling out a bottle.

She threw her head back and laughed. "Hey, I make healthy options!"

"Yeah, but who wants healthy when there's french toast? I'm safer to just stick with a shake and avoid the temptation."

Annie just swatted Steve with the towel she had been using and pushed him towards the table. "So, Bucky, how do you like your eggs?"

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