Chapter 37: I Can Explain

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Annie whipped out the gun that she'd been carrying on her hip since her call with Sam and Pietro was beside her instantly. The tall man with dark hair that had been using the bathroom when she walked in was hurriedly trying to zip up his pants. "Who the fuck are you and what are you doing here?"

The man raised his hands and turned slowly. "It's a funny story actually and if you would just give me a chance to explain."

Annie's eyes widened and her jaw dropped. "Loki?"

Thirty minutes later Thor stood in Annie's kitchen, Alex on a video call in a closet at the hospital.

"YOU DID WHAT?" Annie roared at Alex through the screen.

"I helped break him out and agreed to keep him in line." Pietro stood behind Annie laughing as she rubbed at her temples.

"And then after you committed an intergalactic felony you decided to house a criminal wanted on multiple planets and have him pretend to be MY cousin but not tell me about it?"

"Yes, you're a very bad liar. It was safer not to tell you."

Annie looked from Thor to Alex. "I understand why Thor did it but, Alex, why? What on earth were you thinking? What if he killed you?"

"Annie, if I may." Thor said, stepping forward. "After we discovered the stone inside of the scepter and I had my vision I had a theory and did some digging. Prior to his arrival on earth my brother was captured and had the scepter used on him, much the way he used it on Barton and Dr. Selvig. He was not in control of his actions."

Annie let out a breath as she turned to face Loki who was sitting across from her at the table. His head was bowed and he stared at his hands folded before him, not meeting her gaze. The look on his face reminded her of Bucky after he'd attacked her.

"That stone is no joke, Солнышко." Pietro said, resting a hand on her shoulder. "It gave Wanda and me our powers but it got into our heads too. It wasn't fun."

"Okay, say I believe all that. Say he never meant it and he's innocent. What's the plan long term? Just stay in the house forever? Alex I don't see you willingly supporting another person, it's not your style."

"Oh, definitely not. Lokes knows the rules. Proving his 'rehabilitation' to Odin is the end goal but if that doesn't work he is to become a functioning member of earth society."

"And how is he supposed to do that?"

"He's actually doing it really well so far. He's learning to cook, he helps with the chores, he walks Bubba daily and the dog is in love with him. He has a job and he's helping with bills."

Annie looked under the table to find Bubba curled up at Loki's feet. "Where did he get a job? He doesn't have an ID or a social security card or any of the other basic documents most places require for employment."

"I'm a dancer." Loki finally looked up and spoke but his voice had changed, becoming feminine. "I go by Iris Cunningham and my employer didn't look too hard at the illusionary identification I provided him. Said he only needed proof that I was of age since I'd be working for tips."

Annie curiously surveyed the slender redhead that now sat before her. Her skin crawled a bit. While Loki's female form was tall and slim, unlike her own, it was weird to see her features on someone other than Cherry. "Who's your employer?"

"Hot Laps."

"The strip club?"

"Yes, the money is good and I have a few regular customers. I feel that dancing helps me express myself and I quite like the shoes."

Annie was the queen of giving second chances, and thirds, and fourths, even when they may not always be deserved. She had fought Tony last fall to not hold Bucky's actions against him when he wasn't in control. Hearing the story laid before her, and seeing the look on Loki's face, she couldn't not extend the same chance to the man, god, in front of her. "Okay, but if you guys get caught I knew nothing and keep in mind if ANYONE asks me anything about this I will crack and spill the beans immediately." A wave of relief washed across the faces of Thor, Alex and Loki before Annie continued. "But if you hurt my best friend or my dog, I will figure out a way to make the rest of your existence a living nightmare and I will hold you personally responsible." Annie pointed to Loki and then Thor as she made her threats.

"Understood." The Asgardians said in unison. 

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