Epilogue: I Hope You're Happy

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Mid October 2017

Annie was running around the event hall making sure everything was ready for the engagement party. In her rush to get to the venue on time she had forgotten to grab tennis shoes to set up in and had been slipping in and out of her heels all afternoon so it didn't surprise her when she stepped back from hanging up the last of the banners and tripped because she hadn't taken the time to fasten the ankle straps. She threw her arms out to try and regain her balance but it wasn't going to work. She knew she was going to fall so she closed her eyes and waited for the impact but it never came. Instead she felt an arm slip around her back as her movement halted and she looked up.

"Slow down, Солнышко. Don't want you to end up in the hospital before the party even starts."

Pietro righted Annie as her face flushed. "I know, I just want to make sure everything is perfect."

"Everything is perfect and I'm sure Sam and Волчица will appreciate all the effort you have put into it when they get here."

"Bucknasty!" Bucky heard Sam call out to him as he walked into the party and looked across the room to see Sam and Alex standing with a group of party guests.

"Hey there, Bird Boy." Bucky said with a smile as he headed to the couple. "Congratulations on the engagement."

Sam tossed an arm around Alex with a gleaming smile, pride evident in his gaze. "Thanks man and we appreciate you coming. How's farm living, you miss the big city yet?"

"Not in the slightest."

Alex let out an exasperated sigh as Bucky and Sam turned to face the door where a murmur was going through the crowd.

"What's all that about?" Bucky asked, trying to see over the crowd that had moved to the entrance.

"My brother is here." Alex replied, clearly irritated.

Bucky watched as from the crowd a stocky man with short dark blonde hair moved toward them. "Wait," he said and turned back to Alex. "Your brother is Eddie Brock?"

"Unfortunately." Alex replied and moved past Bucky to greet her brother.

"Baby sister," Eddie called as he broke from the crowd and headed their way, pulling Alex into a small one armed hug as he reached her. "You look terrifying as ever."

"Thank you!" Alex said with true joy in her voice. "I'm happy you found the time to grace us with your presence so you could meet my fiancé before my actual wedding day."

Bucky watched as Alex introduced her brother to Sam and they exchanged pleasantries when he heard a familiar voice and they all turned.

"Eddie?" Annie came from around the crowd and headed toward the reporter with a huge smile carrying a little boy around three. Maximoff just behind her.

Eddie took a few steps to meet Annie, giving her a more enthusiastic hug than he had his sister. "Anna Jane Harris, look at you all grown up! I don't think I have seen you in fifteen years."

"And whose fault is that?" She asked teasingly. "You know very well you are always welcome to any Easton holiday and you were invited to my wedding!"

"I was working a big lead and hated to miss it but the story comes first." Eddie placed a hand on Annie's shoulder and let a charismatic smile take over his face. "Speaking of, are you ever going to stop denying my requests for an exclusive with your boss? I'd think you'd want to help your favorite adopted brother out, not make it hard on him."

Annie eyed him with annoyance. "Nice try, Brock, but your charms don't work on me and I'm not letting you take advantage of nepotism to exploit Tony. I handle the Avengers press and you want a Stark story so reach out to Stark Industries press lead."

The toddler in Annie's arms squealed and a beautiful dark skinned woman with long braids stepped up to them, another little boy trailing behind her. "I can take him, Annie. Thank you for watching him while I cleaned Cass up."

"Sarah, perfect timing." Sam spoke up. "Eddie, Bucky, this is my sister Sarah and her boys, Cass and AJ. Sarah, this is Eddie, Alex's brother and Bucky Barnes, the annoying cyborg with the staring problem you've heard so much about."

Hellos were exchanged and Bucky licked his lips, eyes still locked on Sam's sister as she turned to him. He reached out a hand and took hers. "Hey, Sarah."

Annie watched the exchange and it took all her self control to hold back her smile. "Actually, Sarah, why don't you let me and Piet take the boys for a little while. We can run around with them in the hall and get some energy out while you get a break. And maybe you could show Bucky where the bar is? I'm sure Eddie wants to say hi to his mom before he gets swarmed again."

Sarah looked between Annie and Pietro. "I mean, if you don't mind taking them."

"Not in the slightest." Pietro bent down and picked up the older boy. "We will have a great time wreaking havoc on the entrance decorations, right boys?"

The boys squealed in excitement and Pietro started to walk to the door. Annie turned. "It's good to see you, Bucky. Let's catch up later okay?" Reaching up and pulling him into a small hug she whispered into his ear. "She's single, you should ask her to dance."

Bucky stepped back and stared down at Annie for a second and she backed away with a knowing grin before turning and heading out the door after Maximoff.

"So, ready for a drink, Bucky?" Sarah asked and he turned his attention toward her.

"Lead the way, doll"

Annie stepped into the hall where Pietro was already play racing with Cass and smiled as they came running back down the hall toward her.

"You couldn't stop yourself could you?" Pietro stepped in close and wrapped an arm around her. Cass starting another lap down the hall.

"What? You know I like to help." She asked, looking up at him.

Pietro shook his head and smiled. "I know. It's why I love you."

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