Flashback: 2008

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"Mr. Stark, the Harris Gardner wedding is next month. Do you want me to send a check with your regrets?" Pepper asked as she looked over the list of things she needed to cover.

"Uh, yes to the check but no on the regrets. I'm going to that one so make sure it's on my calendar and put it on like three hours early so I actually show up on time." Tony answered over his shoulder as he tinkered with the engine in front of him.

"Really?" She asked, surprise evident in her voice.

"Yeah, the bride's dad is an old friend of mine."

"Very well, you have a plus one available. Will you be taking a guest?"

"Happy should be my plus one for this."

"Happy received his own invitation and he already responded."

Tony paused his work and looked up. Of course Annie would give Happy his own invitation. Turning to Pepper he asked, "What do you have going on that weekend, want to be my plus one? You could keep me on schedule and I can promise Ohio cookie tables are an experience everyone should get to have."

"Mr. Stark, I don't think-"

"Perfect, get yourself an outfit, my treat, and book hotel rooms for me, you and Hap. Make sure to pack warm. Ohio in February can be brutal and leave the check blank for now, I have to do some research. What's next?"

Pepper just shook her head. "Okay, MIT would like you to do their commencement speech in June."

"June's pretty far away. I'll let them know later. Next."

"Alright, Larry sent over a list of new acquisitions, there's a Jackson Pollock I think you'd be interested in."

"Tell Larry I will look it over, send me pictures. What else?"

"Lastly, you have a weapons demonstration for the Jericho with Colonel Rhodes in May and the day before you are expected to be in attendance to receive an Apogee Award."

"Perfect, thank you for the updates, Ms. Potts. I trust you will adjust my schedule to reflect all this?" Tony said as he turned back to the engine.

"Yes, Mr. Stark." Pepper said and left the room.

"Jarvis, can you look up houses for sale within five miles of Annie Harris' apartment?"

"Miss Harris and Mr. Gardner actually purchased a home last summer."

"Even better, find out what they owe on the mortgage and send that to Pepper. Tell her to put that on the check, oh and make it out to the fiancé, Annie won't cash it."

"Of course, Mr. Stark. While we are on the topic of Miss Harris I'd like to bring something to your attention. I don't think it's a major concern right now but you did tell me to monitor the situation."

Tony put down his tools. "What's going on?"

"Miss Harris' mother is trying to get in contact with her. It seems she saw the wedding announcement in the paper and showed up to Annie's workplace. The police were called but no charges were pressed. I think it's probable she may try to show up to the wedding from her search history."

Jesus. "Get me an address for Cherry Harris."

A week later Tony stood outside the rundown apartment building that was an active fire hazard. He was hesitant to walk in for fear that it would collapse at any minute when a woman came out the front door that, twenty years ago, could have been Annie's twin. The red hair, the round face, tall and stout. Everything but the eyes. "Cherry Harris?"

The woman stopped and squinted. "Who's asking?"

"Doesn't matter, I am here on behalf of your daughter and looking at you there's no mistaking who you are." Tony said, taking off his sunglasses. As he did so he saw the recognition hit Cherry's face.

"You're Tony Stark."

"And you," he said as he stepped onto the curb where she had halted. "Violated our deal when you showed up at Annie's job."

Cherry stuck her chin out and put on a stern face. "I wasn't actually trying to see her. I've been trying to get in touch with you. Since you haven't been reachable I figured you would show up if I went after her."

Tony could feel the disgust roll through him. Fifteen years and she wasn't even trying to see her own daughter. "What is it that you want with me?"

"A raise."

He scoffed. "In your dreams."

"It's not enough anymore. Cost of living is going up and I need more. So if you want me to keep staying out of her life you'll up the payments." She said, crossing her arms with a smug smile.

Tony closed the distance between them and his glare became scorching. "Let me make this very clear, Miss Harris. You signed papers giving up the right to see your daughter in exchange for a monthly salary. A salary that I have continued to pay diligently even though Annie is an adult and you can't legally try and get your hands on her again. And when you showed up at her job, despite not actually seeing her you breached contract and I have every right to stop payments and take your ass to court, a battle you would surely lose because I have very good, very expensive lawyers." The color had drained from Cherry's face when Tony mentioned court. "Lucky for you, and for the sake of the kid, I'm going to give you one more chance because you have put her through enough hell and right now the last thing she needs is you forcing yourself into her life. So the deal stands as it is, you stay the hell away from Annie and all the Easton's for that matter and you keep getting the agreed upon amount. I hear you so much as mutter any of their names and I will make the rest of your life a living hell."


Tony and Pepper were in the back seat as Happy drove them to the office. Pepper was going through the day mail when she handed Tony an envelope with just 'The Gardner's' where the return address should be and 'Tony, open me' on the back.

"Should be a thank you from the wedding but it looks like Annie wants you to see it." Pepper said as she went back to sorting the mail.

Curious, Tony opened the envelope and as he pulled the card out shreds of paper fell into his lap. "What the..." He picked up a few tiny shreds to inspect them. "Pepper is this what I think it is?" He asked, handing them to her.

"It looks like pieces of a check." She said, trying to fit the scraps together.

Tony held back a small grin as he looked at the card. The script was simple but elegant, just 'Thank you from the new Mr. and Mrs. on the front in a rustic design and the inside had a note in Annie's messy scrawl.

Nice try Stark. After all you have done, having you and Happy there and on time was gift enough. It was lovely to finally meet Pepper, she was wonderful and must be a saint to put up with working for you.

Thank you

With love, Annie and Charlie Gardner.

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