Chapter 81: Moving On

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Early October 2016

Annie and Pietro returned to New York two days after the funeral. Sam had stayed with Alex to help her pack up a truck and drive the seven hours to their new apartment. Before they left Loki had pulled Annie to the side.

"Annie, with Alex leaving and it seeming unlikely that you will be returning, I'd like to make you an offer."

"Okay, what's up?" Annie had said warily.

"I want to buy the house."


"The house, I'd like to buy it. I can't exactly get a bank loan but I have money for a down payment. I asked Alex how to go about it and I've researched market values. I have an offer and a payment plan if you're willing to hear it. You and Alex are of course always welcome but I'd like to have something of my own and I've grown fond of it here."

"You know I wasn't planning on kicking you out just because Alex moved, right?"

"Yes but still I'd like to call this place mine, officially if you'll let me."

"Okay, let's look at what you've got."

When they returned the first thing Annie did was seek out Wanda and thanked her profusely. She hadn't done it at the house to avoid anyone knowing Thor had stopped and told her but now it wouldn't be suspicious if she knew.

"I will never ever ever be able to thank you enough. Knowing I don't have to be afraid of her showing up anymore..."

She trailed off and Wanda struggled to speak. "Honestly, Annie, I'm glad you are happy but if you squeeze me any tighter my head will pop off."

The last few weeks at the compound had been bliss. Annie still wasn't speaking to Bucky but the tension had for the most part dissipated and she also felt a sense of peace that Tony had spilled the beans about her story. No one mentioned it after her first day back and no one was treating her any differently. It felt like all the pieces of herself that she had scattered and hidden away were finally coming back together and she felt whole, almost.

Standing in the kitchen Annie passed out lunches as the compound inhabitants came through. Alex and Sam had stopped in to grab the last of Sam's belongings and they, as well as Pietro, sat at the counter eating and talking with her as she cleaned. When Rhodey and Tony came in she paused her work.

"Oh, Rhodey, wait! Don't grab and go just yet, I have something for you." She said, squatting down and rummaging through the island cabinet.

"What, nothing for me, Red?" Tony asked, affronted.

"Since it's not your birthday, no, Tony, I don't have anything for you." She said, popping up and pushing a small bag and a container of cookies across the counter towards Rhodey.

"Thank you, Annie. You didn't have to do that." Rhodey had a pleased smile on his face as he wiggled the bag in front of Tony.

"Seeing as Tony is taking you on an unknown adventure and we won't see you tonight I wanted you to have some kind of sweet."

"So thoughtful it makes me want to vomit." Tony slipped his sunglasses on. "Let's go, Rhodes, we got a plane to catch."

"You know," Pietro said around a bite of his lunch. "I think this makes me a terrible friend but I don't know when your birthday is, Солнышко."

"And hopefully you never will." Annie said, resuming her cleaning and glaring Sam and Alex down.

Pietro scoffed. "Why not?"

"She doesn't actually like to celebrate her birthday," Alex gave Annie a wicked grin. "It's November first."

"Alex!" Annie tossed the rag she'd been wiping the counter with at her.

Pietro put down his fork and glared. "Why don't you like to celebrate your birthday? You literally bake custom cakes and make elaborate meals for everyone elses."

Annie shrugged and moved to sit down next to him. "I don't know, I've just never liked the fuss. A dinner with my family or a movie night seemed like enough."

"But we didn't do either of those last year because you didn't tell me it was your birthday."

"Sam got me a card and I made myself red velvet cupcakes. That was enough."

Pietro's eyes went wide. "Those were your birthday cupcakes? I ate like half of those! Also, Sam knows when your birthday is and not me?"

Annie giggled. "I wasn't going to eat them all by myself, weirdo, and yes. The year before I'd had an accident and was pretty banged up. Tony sent me home and Sam just happened to stop by to check on me and got dragged to my family dinner."

"Does no one else know, like Sam is the only one who wished you a happy birthday last year?"

Annie furrowed her brow in contemplation. "Tony should know but I doubt it ever crosses his mind and Nat told Sam. She found out when she was looking up my info to give him my address but...I think that's it."

Pietro glared at her. "How do you live with people for nearly three years and never mention, or get asked about your birthday?"

"I don't need to be the center of attention like you and the people I live with are busy saving the world on a regular basis. They have other things to worry about." Annie's alarm on her phone went off. "Speaking of more important things, I have a call with Hill to get entry access for a new group of recruits. I'll talk to you guys later."

With that she got up and headed down the hall and Pietro turned to Alex. "So that's three weeks away, we are definitely planning a party, right?"

Alex and Sam stood, pushing in their chairs and putting their plates in the sink. "That is all you, Road Runner. I've been down that road and it didn't work out for me."

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