Flashback: 1996

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Fletcher Eastons graduation party was in full swing when Tony and Happy walked in. "Tony!" A voice called out and he turned to see Annie waving and heading towards them, a tall girl walking next to her. "My dad will be so glad you made it." Annie said as she walked up, giving Happy a hug and nodding politely to Tony with a big smile.

"Red, good to see you." Tony said and surveyed the girl who came behind Annie. "Who's the Morticia Addams look alike?"

Annie eyed him and shook her head. "This is my friend Alex. Alex, this is my dad's friend Tony Stark and his security detail Happy."

"The weapons billionaire?" Alex asked as she surveyed Tony right back. "Huh, thought you'd be taller."

"Alex!" Annie chidded as she smacked her friend's arm.

"What? I'm just saying he's got a lot of hype for a guy I'm eye level with at fifteen!"

"Oh my god. Why do I let you in public?" Annie said before turning to Tony with a flushed face. "I am so sorry, Tony."

Tony looked over his glasses and saw Ferris walking towards them before he spoke. "It's all right, Red. She's rude but bold. I can appreciate that."

"At least someone does!" Alex said, throwing her hands in the air.

"Anna, Alexandra, why don't you girls go see if April needs help refilling the buffet?" Ferris said, coming up behind the girls with a smile on his face.

"Yes, dad." They said in unison and walked away, Annie waving cheerfully at Tony and Happy.

"Tony, Happy, so glad you could make it. It's good to see you." Ferris said, greeting his guests with handshakes before turning to survey the party.

"Wouldn't miss it." Tony replied as he watched Annie and Alex walk over towards the kitchen. Annie danced wildly at the music Fletcher was playing on his guitar as they walked in an attempt to make Aex laugh. "Looks like she's been doing pretty good since the last time I was around." He said pointing to the girls. "Making new friends. She looks happy."

Ferris gestured for Tony and Happy to follow him over to the bar. "She is happy, I think. We have her talking to a therapist and she's been waiting tables at a little mom and pop diner down the road. I think the work gives her a sense of purpose and she's opened up a lot since she started there."

"Is that where she met the mean one?"

"Alex?" Ferris asked and Tony nodded as he ordered a drink. "Haha, no. Alex is about the only good thing that came out of Annie's time with Cherry. Her mom lived in the same apartment building as Cherry. Throw two lonely kids onto a run down playground enough they are bound to bond."

"Was her mom also..." Tony trailed off looking at the girls again.

"No, no." Ferris said with a smile. "Just a single mom who worked a lot. Alex has an older brother who watched her but teenage boys don't make the best babysitters."

"So is Fletch headed to school in the fall?" Tony asked.

"Steel State. He got a music scholarship so he will be in the orchestra when he goes."

"Musician dad. You must be proud of that fact."

"I am." Ferris said and Tony watched as he looked into the crowd at his oldest boy who was now calling Annie and Alex over to join him and his friends. "How did I get so lucky that all five of my kids are such wonderful people?"

"Not sure I would call it luck, old man. You and April have done a pretty good job of raising them." Tony took a sip from his drink and joined Ferris in watching as Fletcher started to play while Annie sang along. The gaggle of teenagers surrounding them clapping and swaying. "Looks like she's opened up to the siblings too."

Ferris clapped a hand on Tony's shoulder, the pride and joy evident on his face. "She is getting there. She called April mom the other day, pretty sure it was just a slip up but April cried for about an hour afterwards."

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