Chapter 84: Play Dirty

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The remaining party attendees, minus Bruce and Rhodey who both decided to call it a night, made their way down to the pool. Nat got behind the bar and started making drinks while Steve and Pietro chatted with her as the Asgardians, Sam and Alex all jumped right into the warm water, tossing clothes off and dropping them on the ground. It was late October but the weather had yet to turn fully and the night air was crisp but not yet cold.

Annie trailed behind picking up the discarded clothes and towels and setting them in neat piles on one of the couches. She looked to the water and saw Iris on Thor's shoulder facing off in a game of chicken with Sam on Alex's.

"I thought the man was usually on the bottom?" Annie heard Wanda call out as she and vision swam over to a floating table.

"I'm not complaining, this is the only time I get to top!" Sam replied, leaning to miss the shove Iris sent his way.

Annie let out a snort and walked over to the speakers Pietro had set up and plugged in her phone, scrolling through playlists to find one that fit her mood. She felt heat behind her and an arm came around her holding a drink.

"You know you shouldn't be cleaning up after others on your birthday. You should be in the pool enjoying the party with your friends."

Annie set her phone down and grabbed the drink before turning around to find Pietro standing much closer than she had expected. She felt her cheeks flush and gave her head a small shake. Since Alex's proclamation earlier she had been more aware of Pietro's proximity and the near constant touches. It wasn't out of the ordinary, he was always like that, he was like that with everyone. Except after it had been pointed out she realized he wasn't. Sure, he was flirty and playful with the others but...

"Creature of habit and it's not actually my birthday for four more days."

"No but it is your party and the same rules apply. Do I need to throw you in the pool to get you to follow them?" The arm that had been holding her drink shot around her and he began to pull her slowly towards the water.

"I am still fully dressed and if you toss me in I will have Alex drown you! Besides, I'm just putting on music. I will be in in just a minute." She pushed gently against his chest and he released her.

"You know she'd have to catch me to drown me right?" In a blink Annie felt a warm kiss pressed against her cheek before Pietro was across the patio and in the water, his clothes neatly folded next to the other piles she had already made. "And I don't see that happening anytime soon."

Some time and several drinks later Annie bobbed in the water beside Wanda and Vision as they watched the on and off chicken tournament where Thor and Iris were tied with Steve and Nat. Sam and Alex were off to the side having a heated strategy discussion where Alex was trying to convince Sam to play dirty to get a win.

"If you wanted to play I think we could take Steve and Nat and we could definitely beat Sam and Волчица." Pietro said, swimming up to join the watchers.

Annie placed her drink on the floating table. "Do not let Alex hear you say that and I'm content to just watch."

"Oh come on, Солнышко. I can see the competitive glint in your eye. I know you want to go a round."

Annie smiled but shook her head. "Don't get me wrong, I would love to kick some butt, but the only person here I wouldn't feel bad about making lift my fat ass would be Thor and the only person I could confidently lift would be Nat, both of whom already have partners."

Pietro shared a look with his sister and a mental conversation passed between the two of them before he continued to speak to Annie, swimming closer to her and making her back towards where the others were competing. "I quite like your ass and would love to be your partner but if that is how you feel."

Annie furrowed her brow as she watched a scheming smile appear on Pietro's face. Just as she was about to ask what he was planning she felt something between her legs and suddenly she was being lifted out of the water on Thor's shoulders.

"Wanda tells me you requested me as a partner," Thor said from beneath Annie as she tried to steady herself. "Who is going to take us on?"

"Looks like I need a partner." Pietro grinned up at Annie before looking around the pool to see Alex sprinting towards him through the water.

"I'm in!" Alex called before diving under the water to lift Pietro onto her own shoulders.

"Not what I was expecting but I can work with it. Let's kick some ass, Волчица!"

The duos began their round of fighting. Thor had a few inches on Alex but Pietro was taller than Annie so the differences even out. Thor was much stronger and kept pushing forward, backing Alex up but she was cunning and sure footed and was able to maneuver around him and give Pietro the opportunity to push or pull against Annie. Annie however was in no way athletic and was wobbly on Thor's shoulders. At one point she leaned so far back Alex saw Thor's foot slip in the water and she moved in for the kill, Pietro reaching out and grabbing onto Annie's arm just as Thor steadied himself.

"Ow, shit!" Annie swore as she pulled her arm back and cradled it to her body.

Alex and Pietro both froze as Thor took a step back. "Are you okay, Солнышко?"

Annie didn't move her arm from her body. "I'm not sure, I think your nail got me."

Alex moved forward and Pietro leaned in to inspect the injury but as he did so Annie's uninjured arm shot out and pushed hard from the side causing Pietro to topple over into the water. The losers came sputtering up to see Annie and Thor both with their hands in the air celebrating their victory.

"You cheated!" Pietro called, swimming over as Thor let Annie down.

"I did no such thing. You really did scratch me, I just used the opportunity it created." She held out her arm and sure enough there was a small red line on her arm no bigger than a finger.

"You overreacted on purpose." He grabbed the arm she held out gently and pulled her into him.

She smiled and wrapped her free arm around his neck. "There's no rule that says I can't be dramatic."

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