Chapter 88: Come Together

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Late November 2016

"You ready for this?" Pietro asked as he reached across the vehicle to take Annie's hand. Alex was driving the rented oversized SUV to accommodate their group which had added Wanda and Vision this year as they rode to the Easton house for Thanksgiving.

"Ready as I can be." Annie said with a sad smile. It would be the first holiday without her father and she was admittedly nervous for whatever emotional turmoil it was going to bring her but she looked around the stuffed vehicle and was comforted by all the people who would be there with her.

As they pulled into the drive it was clear they were the last to arrive as her siblings and older nieces and nephews were gathered in the yard playing football in the still mild weather. April and Donna on the porch sipping what looked to be glasses of wine with the littles around them.

As Annie's group began to exit the vehicle she was hit with the force of half a dozen tiny hugs and her heart warmed. She did not miss that several of the littlest kids blew right past her to greet Pietro first. A smile broke out on her face as he lifted two and began tickling them as her siblings began to trickle over to greet them.

Amy reached them first. Her shoulder length blonde bob from a few months ago had been chopped short, ending at her jaw and it made her angular face and sharp features even more intimidating and beautiful.

"Wow, Pietro. Looks like you've knocked Aunt Annie out of the favorite spot for a few of the kiddos. They really like you."

"Kids are easy." He said putting down the two he held down and leaning in to give Amy a hug. "Play with them for a little and their allegiances change fast."

"You think kids are easy?" Amy asked with a huff. "We'll see how fast your tune changes when you have your own."

At that Annie's back went a bit stiff and she stepped back from hugging Kelly. Amy, gods love her, had a big mouth. To be fair Annie hadn't told her family she and Piet were together now so she couldn't exactly blame Amy for the blunt words but it still felt suddenly awkward. Obviously Pietro knew she didn't want kids but they hadn't exactly had reason to discuss the long term permanence of that.

Pietro, though, knew exactly what to say just like he always did. "I'm sure you're not wrong, Ames, but I don't see us finding out anytime in the future."

Amy cocked her head in confusion as she watched Pietro step back beside Annie and wrap an arm around her waist, bending down to give her a quick peck. Amy's eyes went wide and Annie could see small smiles growing on the face of all her siblings and her mother who had joined them just in time to hear the tail end of the exchange.

After an awkward beat of silence where no one seemed quite sure what to say Annie squeaked out, "Surprise?"

"Well," April stepped up past the kids and pulled Pietro into a hug. "I think we all needed a little good news for the day so," her smile was warm as she pulled back and brushed a hand down Pietro's chest in a motherly move to straighten the shirt she had wrinkled. "Pietro, dear, would you like to introduce us to your sister?"

Introductions and hugs and squealing kids chasing the cookies being carried into the house ensued and as the group began to head inside Fletch stepped up to Alex and stuck a thumb out, pointing to Annie and Pietro with eyebrows raised. "She actually let it happen?"

"And with zero resistance from what I hear. Miracles do happen." Alex slapped a hand on Fletch's shoulder and they began to follow the others.

"Oh you guys have to come with us!" Kelly shouted at Annie over the chatter after dinner. "We talked mom and miss Donna into watching all of the kids so the siblings could have an adult night out. We were planning on going to karaoke at Cricket's and a bunch of people are in town for the holiday, it's going to be packed!"

Annie looked at Pietro questioningly. "Uh, I mean I would be down but we have Wanda, Vision and Iris with us so they would have to be up for it too."

"Oh I am always up to put on a show, darling." Iris said as she plopped down next to Pietro handing him and Annie fresh drinks.

"And I can talk Wanda into it, if not it's not like she and Vis can't fly back to the house or even the compound if they want."

Annie smiled and turned back to Kelly. "Then I guess we are in."

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