Chapter 2: Anything You Need

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Forty-five Minutes later Bucky was following Annie down a blissfully quiet hallway. He appreciated that Steve had convinced Stark to let him stay here but once everyone had gathered around the table it quickly got too loud for him and he became even more on edge. So when Annie popped her head around the corner and said his room was ready he jumped out of his chair to follow her. She led the way in silence, which he appreciated, no small talk just a soft smile when she had caught him staring down at her. She seemed to exude comfort in an aura around her. All soft lines and curves, a serene round face with gentle features and dreamy green eyes, a light dusting of freckles that looked almost like they had been blurred. She even walked softly, her footsteps making almost no sound. Unlike the others who trotted into rooms with booming steps as if only to announce their arrival. Bucky thought she had to have been built to ease the tensions of the world. He certainly felt her calming effect.

Annie slowed as they turned a corner into a hallway with six doors. "This one is yours. Like I said earlier, the Captain is just above and I'm across the hall. Stairs and elevator up are down at the end there." She pushed open the door and walked in as she continued. "Bed, couch, TV, bathroom is just through the far door, and closets are over here. Tony left open spaces in the rooms so if you want a desk, or small table or mountain of pillows or whatever here just let me know and I can get it for you." She said, pointing everything out before stopping in the small unoccupied space in the room. Bucky looked around, everything was clean and bright and new, the far wall had large windows letting in bright sunlight. Bucky walked to the bed and ran his hand across the mattress, the sheets were dark gray and the bed itself was so soft it felt like a cloud. This place felt like he had walked into a different world and he wasn't totally sure how to exist in it.

Annie watched quietly as Bucky walked to the bed and ran his hand along it, giving him time to look around. After a moment she took a few steps toward him. "I put some basic toiletries in the bathroom and some towels. I'm not sure what Captain Rogers did or didn't explain to you but I am for the most part the maid, chef, and personal assistant around here. I don't go into anyone's rooms to clean once they are settled unless they ask. I will do laundry for you if you want and I drop fresh towels outside your door every few days. I can drop off shampoo, soap, and toothpaste too if you let me know but honestly other than Tony, who usually stays at the tower with Pepper, most of the others all get their own." She started to walk around the room, straightening things that were already tidy and wiping away non-existent dust. "I start coffee around six and breakfast is ready around seven as you saw today. With all the different schedules I do a lot of to-go lunches so just let me know what you like and then dinner is about six thirty. I post a weekly menu so if you see something that sounds gross let me know and I can make you something else. I'm at the compound pretty much 24/7 so I am always available if you need anything." With that, she came to stand a few steps from Bucky by the bed having finished her fidgeting and run down. "Any questions?"

"Does anyone ever tell you something on the menu looks gross?" Bucky asked. He'd eaten three plates at breakfast and having tasted that cooking he doubted the rest of it wasn't just as good.

She looked down and crossed her arms as she laughed slightly. "Not really. I mean once in a while Tony will request something special because he has a craving and Dr. Banner can be a bit picky but I can usually work around that. But I am always up to try new recipes so if there's something special you want I am happy to try and make it." She looked back up to catch the end of a small smirk on Bucky's face.

"I'll be sure to take you up on that."

Annie chewed on her lip as she felt her cheeks flush under his piercing blue gaze. "Well I'm going to go clean up in the kitchen, I'll tell Captain Rogers you are getting settled. If you need anything at all please just let me know." With that she walked out of the room, closing the door softly behind her. 

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