Chapter 77: A Mothers Love

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Bucky sat back against the wall a ways from the door of the building, tongue poking at his split lip as he contemplated how he'd got here.

In the days following his fight with Annie he'd had plenty of time to replay what happened in his head and the more he did the more he realized she'd been right. He was the one who'd left her, then came back and made assumptions that were not only unfair but he'd also let the angry feelings those assumptions brought up guide his actions. Then, when he'd finally gotten past the assumptions and anger, he'd forced himself back into her life trying to reclaim something he had no right to after everything he'd done. Even after all that Annie had been willing to give him another chance and he'd thrown it back in her face and blamed her for it. What the hell is wrong with me?

Now he was sitting outside her dad's funeral licking wounds he rightfully deserved. Despite not wanting to come the minute he'd arrived and saw her, thinking about how she had collapsed to the floor when she'd got the call, he wanted to comfort her, wanted to hold her hand and stand by her side so she could lean on him when she needed it. Wished he had been with her over the last week through everything. Instead Maximoff had been. When she'd collapsed he'd been the one to figure out what happened and calm her down, with no discussion he'd gotten on the flight to come here with her. Inside he'd barely left her side, had talked with her family, joked with her siblings and comforted her mom. He seemed so ingrained in her life that he even had a place in this far off part of it. And they probably have no clue who I am.

Bucky heard the door to the building open and he looked over to see Annie stepping out, wiping at her face as she walked slowly across the parking lot towards the reflecting pool. He stood and watched as she pulled her coat tight around her before sitting down and he waited for Alex or Maximoff to come out after her but after a few minutes it was clear no one was coming. He knew he should just leave her be, go inside and pretend he hadn't seen her but his want overtook his logic and his feet carried him to the swing where she sat, eyes closed and head resting on one of the chains.

"Looks like you could use some company." Her eyes shot open when he spoke.

"I can't think of a person on this earth whose company I would like less than yours right now."

I deserve that. "Yeah, but I figure if I'm next to you you'll be too busy being angry with me to be sad for a little while."

She looked him up and down. "What happened to your lip?"


She let out a small huff but jerked her head, indicating he could sit. They were quiet for several minutes, Bucky rocking the swing back and forth gently as Annie just stared into the water in front of them.

When he couldn't take the silence any longer he spoke. "Annie, I'm sorry-"

"Stop," she cut him off but didn't look at him, her tone sharp. "I let you sit down so that I could focus on being angry at you so you don't get to apologize."

"I know. I wasn't...I'm sorry about your dad. I wish I'd had the chance to meet him."

At that she sighed and started to turn to him but the sound of tires screeching made both of their attention snap to the car that came flying into the parking lot before stopping on the edge of the grass where they sat.

Annie shot up and he could just hear the soft plea of 'no no no' she whispered.

"Who is that?" He asked, coming to stand a few feet behind her.

"My mother." He could see her hands begin to fidget at her sides and she looked over her shoulder at him as the car door opened. "Please don't say anything and let me handle this."

A woman stepped out and started to walk towards them. He was confused, he thought her mom was in the building, April. He'd seen her and she'd been introduced but this woman? She was Annie, but not. She was tall and round with the same red hair but cut shorter and more wavy, not as wild with curls. She also had the same face shape but hers was hard and creased from what looked like years of scowling and her eyes were cold. Their dark brown held none of the kindness that Annie's did.

As the woman came closer she put on a smile. "Anna, honey, is that you? Oh gosh look at you all grown up. I see you finally figured out how to tame those god forsaken tangles." She stepped up and threw her arms around Annie, who went stiff and did not return the gesture, before she stepped back and tugged on a loose strand of Annie's hair. "Well, at least slightly."

"What are you doing here?" Annie said as she pulled back from the woman's touch.

The woman scoffed and put her hands on Annie's shoulders. "I'm here for you silly. I've been keeping tabs on you, heard you've been doing good, working in New York for your fathers friend Tony. Did he come to the funeral with you?"

At the last sentence Bucky noticed a shift in the woman's eyes from placation to interest and Annie stepped out from her grasp.

"Of course." She said and let out a brittle laugh. "You shouldn't be here. You need to leave, Cherry."

Before he could even react Cherry raised her hand and smacked Annie across the face hard, causing her head to snap toward him. He moved to step between them but Annie put her hand up and he stopped.

"You might be grown but I am still your mother. You will respect me and address me as such."

Hot angry tears welled in her eyes but she blinked them away and slowly turned back to Cherry as she spoke. Annie had always been quick to submit to her flight response, to run away or shut up and let whatever was going to happen happen but for the first time in her life she knew what it felt like to instantly fight. "You were never my mother. You were an incubator and then an abusive warden for the prison that was my childhood, who at the first chance took a payout and walked away from me without a second thought."

Bucky was slack jawed and staring at Annie as she spit the words out but he saw from the corner of his eye as Cherry raised a hand again. He reached forward and pulled Annie back but before Cherry could swing a blonde form came streaking across the parking lot and barreled into her, knocking her into the reflection pool.

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