Chapter 12: You Can't Go Home Again

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After Tony sent Nat up to pack Annie a bag and look for her phone, Annie asked Dr. Banner if Bucky was okay and he had assured her Bucky was unharmed.

"Yeah, for now." Tony said as he sat on a table munching on almonds.

"What is that supposed to mean?" She asked harshly.

Tony stood tossing the empty package into a bin and walked toward them. "It means the minute you are in the car, on behalf of your dear old dad, Manchurian Candidate and I will be having a little one on one."

Annie gaped at him. "Tony, he didn't do it on purpose."

"I don't particularly care, Red. He should know better."

"Know better than what? To watch a movie? To fall asleep?"

"Yes, actually because he obviously isn't in control of himself and you should have known better than to put yourself in a dangerous situation like that, especially with your history!"

Annie's eyes darkened at Tony's words. "First off, if you don't think this entire job is a dangerous situation you are out of your mind. I work in a facility filled with super humans, spies, and sometimes a literal god, that fight aliens and evil underground organizations who could come after this place at any time! Second, could you control your panic attacks when they first showed up?" She waited a beat but Tony didn't say anything. "Right, Bucky has only been here for like two months, at a minimum he needs time and probably therapy! You of all people should understand that. So do not blame him for this."

Dr. Banner looked between the two for a moment. "She's got a point, Tony." He said sheepishly before helping her stand.

"Thank you, Dr. Banner." She said, using his shoulder to steady herself.

Just then Nat came back into the room. "Bag is packed, and I grabbed you some not blood-covered clothes to put on for the flight but bad news about your phone." She said, holding up the shattered device.

"Don't worry about it, I will tell Happy to stop and get you a new one after you land." Tony said as he rolled a wheelchair towards her but Annie shook her head.

"I can walk Tony, please at least let me do that."

Tony looked like he would argue but Dr. Banner nodded and said, "It's okay, just go slowly." At that Tony took her good arm and led her to the bathroom so she could change.

A little while later Annie sat in the car with Happy headed towards the small air strip where Tony's plane was being prepped because of course he had to go overboard and not just put her on a commercial flight. She had tried to reason with him but Nat pointed out it would be faster and easier in her condition so she relented. She looked at the clock on the dash. It was almost three in the morning. "Happy, could I use your phone for a minute?" She asked.

"Go right ahead," he said, nodding to the device sitting on the console.

Annie knew exactly three phone numbers by heart and luckily one of them belonged to Alex. She didn't expect her friend to be awake at this hour but she wanted to try and put a plan in place before the plane landed back home. She would not be spending the next few weeks at her parents house with the constant in and out of her siblings and their kids and not to mention the likelihood that all her mothers friends would want to stop in and 'see her' and hopefully get Avengers gossip while they were there. She loved her family but they could be a lot which is why at the first chance she had she had gotten a job and moved an hour away. Short enough for a day visit but not long enough that they would need to stay the night. Also too far for random stopovers. So Annie picked up the phone and sent a text to Alex.

Lex, it's Annie. My phone broke but I need to talk to you. Please call this number when you wake up. -Love you

Much to her surprise and delight, Happy's phone began to ring immediately. Alex's number popping up on the screen, Annie accepted the call. "Hey, did I wake you?"

"No, I'm on midnights this week. You caught me on my break, what's up, are you okay?" Alex replied, concern evident in her voice. While they exchanged constant texts back and forth about their daily lives or funny memes, it was rare for them to call each other and just now, the sound of her best friend's voice comforted Annie. She briefly explained what happened before asking if it would be okay to stay with Alex.

"Of course you can stay with me!" Alex exclaimed. "I won't be home until 7:30ish but the hide-a-key hasn't moved. I will bring home some coffee and bagels, I don't think there is much in the way of groceries. I have been at the hospital non-stop."

"Perfect, thank you Lex. Happy is stopping to get me a new phone so I will text you when I get to the house." Annie said, grateful that Alex had answered so she could relax on the flight. As they said their goodbyes Annie looked over to Happy who was clearly upset.

"Annie, Tony said I was to take you to your parents house. I don't think he's going to be happy if he finds out you changed the plan."

They were pulling into the air strip now so Annie put her hand on Happy's arm and looked at him seriously. "Happy, you can either take me to my house and leave knowing I am safe and sound and resting, or you can take me to my parents house with the knowledge that the second I am unsupervised I will steal my sister's bicycle and ride forty miles one handed to escape. Besides Alex is a nurse, she is way more equipped to take care of me. If Tony is angry, tell him to be angry at me, not you. I'm a big girl and can deal with it."

Happy parked the car and looked at her. "Call your dad, ONLY if he agrees will I take you home and ONLY because you have a point with Alex being a nurse."

Annie grinned. "Thank you, Happy."

About three hours later, after Annie had called her parents and spent way too much time convincing them that, yes she wanted to go to her own house, and yes, Alex had agreed, and yes, they could come out to see her whenever because she would not be doing anything but relaxing, and yes, they could call her siblings and plan a dinner for her upcoming birthday, she and Happy pulled into the driveway at her home. It was still dark as they pulled in and Annie could feel her heart racing. As much as she had insisted on staying here she hadn't put any thought into what it would be like to actually set foot in her house. She had given Alex free reign to redecorate and sell off whatever and replace it with the exception of her bedroom so she knew it wouldn't be entirely like walking back into that ghost world but she was still nervous. Happy helped her from the car and went to grab her one bag as she found the key and opened the door.

When they walked in they were immediately greeted with the sound of panting as Bubba, her overweight and incredibly lazy mutt, came shuffling around the corner. As his eyes met hers they lit up and his nub tail began to wag at maximum speed. Annie dropped to the floor. "Hello my chubba Bubba baby!!!" She exclaimed as the old mutt wobbled over to her and into her one good arm for a long overdue reunion. She had hated leaving him but he was too old to make such a drastic move and the compound living arrangements were not exactly ideal for midnight bathroom excursions. After several minutes on the floor crying joyful tears and snuggling her dog Happy helped her up and into her room. Triple checking that she had everything and would be okay until Alex arrived. "Happy, I am fine. Thank you for everything and remember if Tony gives you any shit you tell him to call me and walk away." At that he gave her a gentle hug and made to leave.

Alone, Annie looked around her room, their room. As promised it had been left untouched. Photos, clothes, even a bag of cough drops on the nightstand. All of it just as she had left it. She walked over to a jewelry box that sat on her dresser. Opening it she picked up the ring that had been sitting at the top and a memory flashed through her mind. Her and Charlie, in front of a Christmas tree just after they had gotten engaged. "Hello, my love." She said as she smiled and held the ring over her heart. 

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