Chapter 33: How Do We Proceed

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Mid June 2015

Annie waited outside to greet Secretary Ross and Tony. She had set up the conference room and told Vision to gather the others. She wasn't sure why Tony was bringing Ross here but she thought it had to be about Lagos and it couldn't be good. In the weeks since the mission Wanda had been distant and would only talk to Pietro. She blamed herself and according to the news most of the world did too. Wanda's room was next to Annie's and at night she and Bucky could hear Wanda's sobs.

"I just wish there was something I could do to make her see it wasn't her fault. She's been through so much and doesn't deserve this." Annie said as she'd stared at the wall between hers and Wanda's room, biting worriedly at her nails.

Bucky stood behind her wrapping his arms around her waist and kissing the top of her head before saying, "I know you want to fix everything for everyone, Sweetheart, but you can't fix this. You can only be there for her when she's finally ready to talk." She leaned back into him with disgruntled noise, clearly unhappy with the fact she couldn't help Wanda and he sighed softly before pulling her towards the bed. "Come on, let's get some sleep and maybe that big brain of yours will come up with something tomorrow."

Annie watched as a black SUV pulled up in front of the building and Ross stepped out, Tony coming around from the other side. "Secretary Ross, I'm Annie Gardner. Welcome to Avengers Campus, it's lovely to meet you." Ross ignored the hand she stuck out as he walked right past her. Prick.

Tony stopped next to her. "Everyone here?" He asked.

She nodded. "Yes, Vision is getting everyone together. You're all set."

"Come on, Stark, I haven't got all day." Ross called as he entered the building.

Annie sneered at his back and Tony began to follow him. "Go on and head upstairs, we are probably going to be a while."

A few hours later Annie stood in the kitchen making dinner, everyone else in the living room discussing the terms Secretary Ross had laid before them. Captain Rogers sat reading through the massive document as Sam and Rhodey argued loudly behind him.

"Secretary Ross has a Congressional Medal of Honor, which is one more than you have." Rhodey said, sticking his finger in Sam's face.

Annie looked over to see Tony rubbing at his forehead as Sam replied. "So let's say we agree to this thing. How long is it gonna be before they LoJack us like a bunch of common criminals?"

"117 Countries want to sign this. 117, Sam, and you're just like, 'Nah it's cool we got it'." Said Rhodey before Sam interrupted. "How long are you going to play both sides!"

Annie took a deep breath and tried to block out the argument. She did not do well with conflict and the tension in the room was making her anxiety spike. Bucky, noticing the flustered and frantic way Annie moved about the kitchen, stood and walked over to her. Leaning on the island Bucky asked, "Are you okay?"

Annie paused her food prep and raised her brows at him. "You and all those people in there were told to sign on to be government equipment or retire and you are checking on me?"

He chuckled softly and came to stand next to her, taking one of her hands and looking at her nails. "Seeing as you're the one whose nails are nearly bitten to the cuticle, yes. I am checking on you."

She pulled her hand back and moved around him, reaching for a bottle of Ibuprofen and filling a glass with water. Handing both to Tony who had joined them in the kitchen as he continued speaking across the room to the others. Annie leaned back against the island next to Bucky as they listened. As Tony brought up a photo of Charles Spencer and told everyone about him Bucky could see tears begin to line Annie's eyes. Tony ranting that they needed to sign the accords faded to the background as Annie said, "Looks like I need to book some hotels in Vienna."

Late the following day after Annie had finalized travel plans for Nat to go to Vienna and Sam, Bucky and Captain Rogers to go to London for Peggy's funeral she sat on Bucky's bed folding and packing the clothes he tossed toward her for his trip. "Ya know, retirement doesn't sound so bad. I'd get to sleep in, not have to train and I wouldn't have to keep jetting off away from you." He said as he headed into the bathroom to get toiletries for his trip.

"While that sounds lovely for you, Sarge, if the Avengers become a regulated entity I might be out of a job and New York is not exactly affordable." She called into the bathroom after him.

As he returned and tossed his supplies into his suitcase he flopped onto the bed and pulled her to lay next to him. "Who says we have to stay in New York?"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean we don't have to stay in New York. If we aren't working here and the Avengers are basically disbanded we can go anywhere." He said as he began to run his fingers through her hair. "We could go to Florida, work on our tans."

"Too hot and have you seen how pale I am? I don't tan, I burn." She replied, wrinkling her nose.

"Maine? I hear the falls are beautiful."

"I've heard that too, but the winters are brutal." She fake shivers as she snuggles in closer.

Bucky kissed the top of her head before he said what he had been thinking the whole time. "We could always move to Ohio."

Annie pulled back, a smile trying to break through the hesitation on her face. "What?"

He grinned, knowing he had her full attention. It had been over six months since his PTSD episode and the subsequent chain of events that led to them getting together. While he would always hate that he had hurt her, he couldn't help but be thankful for how things turned out. He knew a while ago that he loved her, almost told her before he and Sam left for Sokovia but he didn't want to leave her with that if the unthinkable happened. Now though, now in a matter of days he would effectively be 'retired' because he had no interest in signing the accords. He would have no responsibility left here and no more danger. Why not go all in? "I mean, it sounds good, right? Buy a nice little house with some land. I could meet your family, you would be closer to Alex. We wouldn't have to deal with the city traffic. Plus I think Midwest living would suit me. Although we would have to find a new burger spot." He said as he watched her smile finally break fully across her face.

Annie had been playing out ideas in her head all day. Knowing Bucky wouldn't sign the accords and wouldn't be able to stay at the compound, and that it was entirely possible she would be out of a job if the Avengers became regulated. Where could she find a job and a place to live to stay in New York with him? Would he even want her to stay here? Would he even stay here or would he and Steve take off? But this...she never could have expected this.

"I think I'd like that." She leaned in and kissed him. 

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