Chapter 26: Seeing It In Action

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Alex felt her phone buzz in her scrub pocket as she finished vitals for the last patient on her rounds before shift change. "Alright, Mr. Coleman. Everything looks good on my end. The day nurse will be around to give you meds shortly."

As she entered the man's information into his chart and began storing her tools to exit she heard him speak. "You know you'd be prettier if you smiled more, young lady."

She looked over her shoulder at the man. He was well into his eighties, rude and had been nothing but a pain in her ass since he was admitted a few days ago. "Unfortunately for you, Mr. Coleman, they pay me more to be ugly." With that she rolled her cart into the hall and pulled out her phone expecting to see yet another text from Annie. Since the Avengers had left and Bucky made Annie stay at the tower her best friend had been, quite literally, texting her almost non-stop from boredom and anxiety. Alex was surprised to see it was not Annie but Sam.

Sam: Not sure if you heard but the Avengers got the scepter and are headed back to New York. Tony is throwing a party on Saturday to celebrate. You want to be my plus one? I can drive up Friday night and fly out with you in the morning. 😉

Alex hadn't seen Sam since his visit last fall but he had been trying to set something up for a while. Seeing as she was off this weekend and she had been dying to go to New York she didn't see a reason not to take him up on the offer.

Alex: Sure, Wilson. But I get the window seat.

Annie had eventually texted Alex to let her know about the party and that everyone was okay and had gone radio silence since. Alex guessed she was busy getting busy with man meat.

"Is Banannie excited you are coming tonight?" Sam asked as they exited the plane. Their flight had been delayed so they were going to be late and wouldn't have time to go to the compound beforehand but Sam assured her they could change and get ready at the tower.

Alex shrugged. "I would assume not since I didn't tell her I was coming."

Sam looked at her wide eyed. "What do you mean you didn't tell her you were coming? I thought you would have called her as soon as we booked flights."

"She texted me not long after you did to tell me everyone was okay but I haven't heard from her since and I thought it would be nice to surprise her."

Alex stepped out of the Uber and saw Tony standing at the entrance to the building, drink in hand. "Wilson, glad you finally decided to join us." He said, shaking Sam's hand before turning to her with a mocking grin. "Alexandra, never a pleasure."

"Tony, still 5' 8" I see." She replied with her own grin before bending down to hug him and she saw Sam's eyes go wide.

Tony chuckled. "If I didn't know better I would think you are actually trying to bruise my ego."

"Of course I'm actually trying. I consider it a personal mission to break toxic men and the ego is the best way to do that."

"Toxic?" Tony asked, looking at Alex as they entered the building and she just looked him up and down. He shrugged. "Yeah, you're not entirely wrong. Come on, I'll show you where you can get changed."

Twenty minutes later Alex stepped into the hallway to meet Sam and head down to the party.

Sam gave her an appreciative once over. "Wow, you look amazing."

"I know." She said and began walking toward the elevator.

Stepping into the room Alex scanned the crowd looking for Annie. She saw the different Avengers milling about and caught sight of Bucky, Steve and Thor standing with a group of what looked like older men wearing veteran hats. She was surprised that Annie wasn't glued to Bucky's hip until she followed his gaze. Annie was in a corner across the room standing at a table eating. "Look there is Annie." Alex said and began to walk to her friend.

"I'll meet you over there in a minute, I'm gonna grab drinks." Sam said and Alex just nodded.

Alex snaked her way through the crowd to come up behind Annie and lightly tap her on the shoulder. She watched as Annie's back went ridgid for a second and she wiped at her face with a napkin before turning with an irritated look on her face. In an instant the look was gone and her face lit up. "Alex, oh my god what are you doing here?" Annie squealed, throwing her arms around Alex.

Alex laughed softly. She had gone too long without her best friend and missed her dearly. "Well seeing as you didn't invite me I had to come as a plus one." Annie looked at Alex confused for a moment and then Sam walked up beside them handing Alex a drink.

"Hey, Banannie, long time no see, how you been?" He said, throwing an arm around Annie and tugging at her wild curls. Alex was shocked Annie hadn't pulled it up yet, she never made it very long with her hair down.

Alex watched as Annie looked between them, calculating. "Um, Samuel, do you want to explain what is going on here?"

"I invited Alex to watch Thor's reaction to a woman who is eye level with him and to surprise you." He said, giving Alex a sly smile.

"Honestly I want to see Thor's reaction too and I'm not going to complain that my best friend is here in New York."

From behind Alex a small woman in a uniform stepped up to Annie. "Ms. Gardner, I am so sorry to bother you but there's a problem in the kitchen."

She sighed and stepped out from under Sam's arm. "Duty calls kids, but please eat, drink and I will meet up with you guys later. Sam, record her meeting Thor please and, Alex," she said with a stern finger pointed at her friend as she walked away, "No embarrassing stories or Sam will replace you as my best friend."

Sam looked at Alex. "You're definitely telling embarrassing stories right?"

"Absolutely not, my loyalty is to her. Now, where is Thor?"

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