Chapter 44: I See It Coming

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Annie walked into the kitchen excited and ready to drive to her parents house for dinner, picking Donna up on the way. "Are we all set?" She asked, looking at Alex and Pietro in front of her, Loki sitting on the couch in the living room, a book in hand.

"Cookies are all in the trunk and the tank is full." Alex said, picking up her keys.

"Then let's hit the road."

"Have a lovely time." Loki said as they began to walk out and Annie paused.

"Wait, you aren't coming?"

"I don't believe I was invited."

"It's an Easton holiday, if they had a house big enough they would invite the entire state, come on."

"Honey Cakes," Alex said cautiously from the door. "I'm all for a bad idea but how exactly are we supposed to explain Loki to your family?"

"He'll come in Iris form, obviously."

"You want him to be 'your cousin' Iris at your family dinner?"

Annie cocked her head and looked back to Loki, not having thought of his full cover story. "Lex, did you tell your mom about him or...Iris, or about someone living with you?"

"She's too wrapped up in my brothers success to ask me about life and you know I don't volunteer information."

"Then yes, Iris is my cousin on Cherry's side. We found out about each other through that DNA thing Charlie and I did years ago and recently connected on the website. When she mentioned she needed a place to stay after falling on hard times I offered Alex up as a roomie. We aren't entirely sure where the relative connection is because neither of us know much past our grandparents familywise. Problem solved, now get ready."

Loki set his book down. "Really, Annie, it's fine. I don't want to intrude."

"Plus, you can't lie to save your life. How are you supposed to pull this charade off to your dad?"

"Loki, you are coming." Annie said walking over and pulling him to his feet. "And I'm not going to lie. You guys will sell the story while Piet and I help April set up and then the three of you can use your combined powers of charm to change the subject if anyone asks me about it."

"Are you sure?" Loki asked her.

"Yes, no one deserves to be alone on a holiday. Now please transform, but you will need to change your eye color. My dad will definitely catch on to something being weird if you have his eyes."

"I call shotgun." Pietro said as they all exited the house.

Alex sat down next to Fletcher and handed him a glass of scotch. "Thanks, Lex. This is an oddly kind gesture."

"Oh no, I didn't get it for you. Kelly was pouring drinks and when she handed me mine she asked me to bring you yours."

Fletcher looked over to the makeshift bar station and sure enough his wife stood mixing drinks and chatting with most of his siblings, in-laws and Annie's new guests. Annie, however, was off to the side, with his youngest daughter on her hip, trying to help April and Donna clear the table and put away leftovers. After a second of watching her struggle to clean with his child latched to her he went to stand to take the baby when Pietro stepped in. The blonde man put his hand on Annie's shoulder and gestured toward their father who was entertaining some of the other young children. Annie shook her head at first but Pietro moved his hand to her lower back and pushed her off, taking her place helping clean up. Fletcher nodded his head to the scene. "What's going on there?"

"Fuck if I know." Alex said before sipping at her drink.

Fletcher laughed. "Seriously, you expect me to believe that my sister brings a guy to a holiday and you, of all people, have no clue if there is something between them?"

"Honestly, Fletch, I don't think they even know what's going on between them so yes." Fletcher just looked at Alex with a raised brow and she sighed. "You know your sister, anything that's good is too good for her and Road Runner is a good guy from what I can tell so she'll put up a mental barrier that says he can only ever be her friend."

Fletcher smiled and shook his head. "And what about him?"

"He's a charmer who flirts with anything that moves." Alex shrugged and rolled her eyes. "But he cares about her and maybe hasn't realized exactly how much yet. I mean he asked to come here with her rather than stay in New York for Tony's fancy catered dinner and that kid is food driven." She watched as the trio finished cleaning up and trailed into the living room with them, the groups at the bar not far behind so she wanted to finish her conversation before they got within hearing distance. Alex had no issue talking with Fletcher about Annie, he was like her, quiet and caring and only asking because he was genuinely curious about his sister's happiness. The other siblings were a little more lively and wanted in on the juicy gossip. "I've only been around them together a few times but," she paused again and thought about the party at Starks last spring as a comparison popped into her head. Annie had been running around all night and Barnes had just been grumpy that she wouldn't stop for him but never made an effort to go to her. Pietro on the other hand goes through whatever Annie is doing with her, happy to just be near her even if she was focused on other things. "He orbits around her like she is the sun."

Annie sat on the couch, a niece in her lap, listening to her dad read stories to the younger kids when her mom and Donna joined her and the rest of the crowd fanned out around the room. She turned to watch as Loki went to join Alex and Fletcher and Pietro joined her other siblings, throwing an arm around Finch as he slid effortlessly into their conversation. She laughed softly to herself as she watched John, Finch's husband, make what looked like a territorial comment and Pietro winked in response before shifting off of Finch.

"He seems like a nice man." April whispered as she leaned into Annie's side.

"And he's handsome." Donna added sipping from her wine.

Annie turned to them and smiled. "He is very much both of those things."

"Can we expect to see more of him on your visits in the future?" April asked, subtly trying to pry information out.

Annie shrugged and looked back out at the crowded room. "Uh, I'm not sure. I mean he's always welcome but it's his choice."

"So are you two not that serious then?"

Annie furrowed her brow as she whipped her head back towards her mom. "What?"

"You and Pietro, is it still pretty new?" April asked with a grin.

Annie shook her head and laughed. "Oh, mom, we are just friends."

"So you're not dating?"


April frowned and reached up to push Annie's curls back from her face. "You know it's almost been two years, sweetie. You gotta get back out there sometime. What about that nice man Sam that came to check in on you last year?"

Grateful for the opening to change the subject Annie pounced and maybe spoke a little too loudly. "Actually Sam and Alex are dating.

"What?" Donna asked, sitting forward.

Without needing to glance over Annie could feel the daggers Alex was staring into her.

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